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Sprite help!!!

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I know how to import new sprites into a wad via Wintex, but I need a FASTER way. Is there any program that will allow me to import files directly into the wad, without continouly going Incert new sprite, name the stupid thing, import, exct? I happen to have a buttload of sprites, but wasting all day importing will only get tedious and stupid.

BTW, check out my site at http://members.xoom.com/Korin_Dos/WTF / and come back often in the week, as on Tuesday of next week I'll be sending the project out. ^_^

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Guest Fanatic

Search around for DEUTEX, I used it with QDOOMTST.WAD. It's rather cool to edit stuff in a directory, not within Wintex.

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Thanks! I got the sprites in a lot faters. Now if I could only get something that allows for faster colour palet switching from 16bit to doom pal, then I'll be able to really move. :)

BTW, I loved QDOOM beta/test/whatever. I also like EDGE, but I have to admit that I have more control with ZDOOM's levels in ACS scripting. Sorry. :-)

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Guest Fanatic

Best thing to do is import the DOOM palette to the pics in your paint editor. I used PSP5/6 for QDOOM, so when I had them cropped and all, import the DOOM palette then save. Relying on Wintex and DEUTEX to convert is a bad thing, since they are not photo exitors by any means, and are slow as hell and inaccurate.

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