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can someone tell me how to make a troopers ghost appear like in the .deh that came with dehacked? this is what i got so far

Troopers' ghosts
Thing 64 (ammo clip):

Copy all stats from the trooper, including speed (8), height (56), pain chance (200), frames (174, 176, 187, 0, 184, 189, 194, 203), and sounds (36, 1, 27, 59, 75).
Leave hit points at 1000 or some other high level.
Bit 0: Off (was on)
Bits 2, 12, and 18: On (were off)
Optional- Bits 9, 14: On (were off)
Optional- Bit 22: On (was off)

and i got a pretty good user guid for dehacked but i need to know more! is there any more tutorials out there?(other than the one on doomworld)?

and can someone give me a list of ALL the code pinters? the one on doomworld just shows some code pointers. it skips some codes.

oah yah and when you change an imps Far attack frame to 685, it shows a cyber deamon, how do i prevent doom from showing a cyber demon when i want an imp to shoot a rocket?

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Well, for the imp shooting rockets problem, there are two options. You can copy the rocket info to the imp fireball info, or you can change the frame code pointer, which sounds more like what you were trying to do. To do that, go to the frames menu, and go down to the second imp attack frame. Go to the far left column, which says Code Pointers and has very big numbers. Press enter and type 685(Cyber demon's firing code pointer) and the imp will shoot rockets without looking like a cyberdemon.

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To get a full list, download the boom binaries (not the editutils wierd enough) from http://www.teamtnt.com , in the zip file is a large file explaining bex and among other usefull stuff has a full list of codepointers :o)

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geekmarine said:

Well, for the imp shooting rockets problem, there are two options. You can copy the rocket info to the imp fireball info, or you can change the frame code pointer, which sounds more like what you were trying to do. To do that, go to the frames menu, and go down to the second imp attack frame. Go to the far left column, which says Code Pointers and has very big numbers. Press enter and type 685(Cyber demon's firing code pointer) and the imp will shoot rockets without looking like a cyberdemon.

wtf? im new at this so i dont know frames yet!

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