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The RTC Corporation (TRTCC(C)) is an ADD-ON for doom2
It features 8 levels for DooM2
New Sounds
New graphics
And great gameplay.

The story Follows.


It Is hard times for the human race. Two major Corporations has declared war, The RTC and the UAC. Aliens
from hell are destroying all life on earth, mars and its two moons. Its up to you, as an RTC marine you have
to fight back and secure the continuation of human-life. Your first assignment will be clearing the
abandonned RTC bases on Mars. There will be 6 sections. 1)The Gateway, Objective:
Kill all alien species. 2)The Factory, Objective: Kill all alien species, gather weapons. 3)The limit,
Objective: Kill all alien species. 4)Redemption, Objective: Kill all alien species, gather medikits.
5)The Lost base, Objective: Kill all alien species. 6)Return Objective: Return to the gateway.
When you return, all the RTC Marines on mars will gather at The Lost Base for transportation to earth.
The Gateway will be moved to earth along with you and all the other RTC Marines. The rest is not certain.

All levels made by Jacob Kruse (Maonth).

Its located here at

Later a FULL version will be released. This is just a demo
Email the comments to me. Maonth@hotmail.com

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Go download it.


and email me your comments and error encounters to


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Guest HyperGoku17

I'll beta test too!

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