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Need help to create new weapons for DOOM2

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How can I create new weapons for DOOM2 without replace them?
Adding weapons like for the Shotgun/Super Shotgun that Id.Software did?

What can I do?

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Guest DammitBeavis

I don't think there's anyway to do that with DEH, so you should check out DosDoom or EDGE. They use DDF files that are quite easy to hack, and you can probably add as many new weapons as your blood lust desires... I suggest EDGE, you can check it out here...


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Guest DammitBeavis

I have no idea what acs scripting is... I've heard of it, and stuff. Something to do with zdoom...

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Well I create a new gun for EDGE but still not for ZDoom. ;(
I think something for hyper scripting but I think is not work, I don't know. I'll try it.

But if anyone know something new gun without DosDoom and EDGE, let me know. I hate EDGE and DosDoom, these option games are not what I like. ZDoom let me do what I want. :)

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Guest Psycho
DammitBeavis said:

I have no idea what acs scripting is... I've heard of it, and stuff. Something to do with zdoom...

Several points:

a) DDF allows new weapons
b) EDGE used to be known as DosDoom. DosDoom == EDGE
c) EDGE has DDF and RTS. ZDoom has only ACS and DEH/BEX
d) QDOOM was done in EDGE. Enough said

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I must be editing for .bex as well ?
But how that is working, did is too easy like dehacked and .ddf ?
How can I get stuff about .bex?

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