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Scripting help?

Guest Ape Tickler

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Guest Ape Tickler

Hey all. I've got a problem: I've written up a script, and I've compiled it, and I've put it in my WAD file, overwriting a 16-byte SCRIPT entry that was already there, and now I can't open my WAD file - the level won't play and I can't open the map in Zeth. What am I doing wrong?

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The script entry is used for the script source, not the compiled script. Editors like WadAuthor use the Acript entry to store the script source.

The compiled script needs to go into a Behaviour lump, not a script lump. You'll need to delete the script lump nad insert the compiled script under the proper name.

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Guest Ape Tickler
boris said:

How did you put it in the WAD? Did you let ZETH do this?

Sorry, I meant to say I overwrote the BEHAVIOR lump, but it moved it to the end of the list, too, after MAPINFO. I'm not sure how to change that; I'm using NWT. You can use Zeth to do it?

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Yes, ZETH can do it. You've to set up a script editor in the zeth.ini (like edit.com). In ZETH you can choose Edit Script for the menu. When you've written the script and exit the script editor it will automatically inserted in the WAD.

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