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zdoom editing help


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K, im new to ZDoom editing, I downloaded wadauthor and its configuration file... so... is

1) WadAuthor only sector based?
2) How do I add ambient sounds to my wads?

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Yes, wad author is sector based. Once you place a sector you can move the vertices by pressing V.

To add ambient sounds, use wintex or some other wad editor to insert a wav file. Create a SNDINFO lump with the sound name
and the ambient tag. I have a tutorial on this as well as looking ant the sndinfo information and ambient tag in the ZDoom editing docs.

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im prolly a moron for saying this but the tutorial wasnt much help.. so u mean to tell me i can just open wintex, and add a New Entry, lets say.. called "Amb1" and load my sound entry there.. so where do i add the SNDLUMPINFO or whatever its called?

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the sndinfo.lmp is a file that you need to insert into the wad file with the information zdoom needs to recogonie that the sound you inserted is an ambient sound

open a new file in notepad or something, type in what you need, save it as sndinfo.txt, change the extension as sndinfo.lmp, and insert it into the wad file using wintex

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Mechasam said:

im prolly a moron for saying this but the tutorial wasnt much help.. so u mean to tell me i can just open wintex, and add a New Entry, lets say.. called "Amb1" and load my sound entry there.. so where do i add the SNDLUMPINFO or whatever its called?

Take a look at the ZDoom editing docs on Rnady's site. It explains the zdoom lumps pretty well. Also d/l the sampe wad file and then look at the lumps in the wad file with wintex in Hexen mode. It should be clear then.

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