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Guest ChriS

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Guest ChriS

When will someone pleasecompile a Windows DCK? I'm sick of 3.62 DOS version crashing randomly on me

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The source code was never released. So.... I dont think noone will.

Note:DCK 2.2 behaves better than 3.62!

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Um, no. 2.2f has worse handling of textures and crashes much more often. That's why I use 3.62. If people just learned the editor they would learn how to prevent crashes. eg: merge your texture wad into doom2.wad, not add it inside the editor

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Guest ChriS
Afterglow said:

Um, no. 2.2f has worse handling of textures and crashes much more often. That's why I use 3.62. If people just learned the editor they would learn how to prevent crashes. eg: merge your texture wad into doom2.wad, not add it inside the editor

Oh yea, sometimes while using the align texture feature, dck bombs and i can see the stack dump on the screen overwriting some area. And WTF is the error "Reference to a page you don't own: (stack dump #s)?

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