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10 sectors and the reject table..


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I just ran RMB on my 10 sector level. According to the output, not a single 1 was placed. I got a big fat goose egg (0%) efficiency increase. I was planning on making a rather big level with a lot of monsters, but now I see I probably won't be able to do that :(. All the sector referencing appears to have created a situation where it's possible to "see" any sector from any sector. It seems that any time spent on a reject table for a map like this is wasted.

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Guest Fanatic

Yep, all sectors are visible from any other sector. Kind of sucky, but 10 sectors....

I had to make a lot of monsters deaf, otherwise they all wake up as soon as you fire anything.

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You have the initially attacking monsters, but then you have to make use of the ambush flag, or double sound block lines or whatever. Well, the cool thing about this contest is the limitations... :)

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thats what happens when you have 'merged sectors' as its called... pretty dumb name if you ask me since the sector is split amongst sub-polygons but whatever... :) Try making a pure level with no 'merged sectors'.

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I prefer the term "referenced" sectors. As for a pure level with no referenced sectors, well that's just simply not an option when you only have 10 to work with. Oh well, it's just one of many shortcommings that has to be dealt with in some fashion. The person who can make a level that minimizes the negative impact of these shortcommings is going to get a skookum new vid card :)

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I don't agree, I was one of the people who was opposed to the merged sectors rule when it was being discussed. I will submit at least one map with no merged sectors.

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The way I see it, I'm already at a disadvantage. My editing skills are no match for the Pullen's, Clark's, Afterglow's etc. Why would I want to handicap myself further? Maybe, just maybe if I give it my best shot, and use ALL the resouces available to me I might get my level into the megawad.

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