Guest The6EnD6iZ6nEaR Posted August 31, 2000 HHmm well there's no other way to do this except say that A. i'm new to this and B. i'm really new to C and for that matter all things to go with it.. so any types of tutorials or help would be incredibally help ful in my quest to make a decent wad,, thanks 0 Share this post Link to post
X-DOOM Posted August 31, 2000 The6EnD6iZ6nEaR what kind of wad would you want to made? a Doom, Doom2, ZDoom (Hexen mode), EDGE, ... ? I've start yesterday my ZDoom editing tutorial as for newbies to expert; because i don't really like tutorial who are too hard to learn. 0 Share this post Link to post
Wildman Posted August 31, 2000 I have a scripting primer that can get you started on scripting at the ZDoom Tech pages at Randy's site as well as some specific tutorials on ZDoom. Visit the Edge homepage for some good tutorials on Edge stuff. Visit Doomworld editing pages for general editing help. 0 Share this post Link to post
ReX Posted August 31, 2000 I addition to Wild Man's excellent tutorials (which I have used extensively), and X-DooM's tutorials (which I haven't yet tried), I suggest a couple of things: 1. Open up any level that you know uses scripting (Wild Man, Tarin, and others have produced some wonderfully scripted maps). Use an appropriate editor in the native mode for the port for which the level was created (e.g., ZDooM). See what effect the author was going for, then open up the script and see what the author wrote. Then try to duplicate or modify the script to get your own effect. 2. Get a copy of Tarin's acsstuff.wad (in for ZDooM. It has very cool effects, some simple some extremely complex. Open it up in your favorite editor and examine it thoroughly -- you'll learn a lot. You can get the file at: 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest The6EnD6iZ6nEaR Posted August 31, 2000 Well i can't really say enuff, ur all very helpful and i thank u, if no one minds script plagerism its cool by me,, thanks to all for now and the future,, 0 Share this post Link to post
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