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EDGE 3d Doors

Guest Shady Geezer

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Guest Shady Geezer

Does anyone know how you can construct a door that can be walked under and over without being able to be opened from above and below.
A detailed description would be nice although anything on the subject would be appreciated.

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Guest Fanatic

I've done a tutorial for this on the EDGE page some time ago.


There are also some demo levels you can examine (use Wintex to extract or view the DDF* lump entries tho). You'll need to see DDFLINE for the relevant entries.

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Guest Fanatic

Ah, I reread your request again -no there is not a tutorial for this. The one I mention is for making extrafloors in general.

What you want can be done, but is *very* complex. you need to use extrafloors and RTS to get it done.

You'll need to create the basic structure with the extrafloor set as a door. Once you get it set to where you want as a static structure, create an RTS file.

Make a trigger flagged as "USE" and set the hi and low Z values to where you want the door open trigger to be set. So when the player is inside the radius of that trigger, then can press the USE key and open the door from only there (above or below, but not both).

When you use the linetype, target the dummy sector ceiling or floor to move, not the real sector (if it's the extrafloor you want to move).

See if you can figure it out -it'll be a very good learning experience.

If you just can't figure it out, let me know exactly what you want to happen in that area. I should be able to do a very basic demo of it in about 20 minutes.

Preferably email me: marcpullen@mindspring.com

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Guest Shady Geezer

Thanks Fanatic,
I think i get the gist of it.
Thank's for the offer of further help
If I mess up i'll contact you

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