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Help wanted

Guest bellator

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Guest bellator

Im looking for someone to make some new graphics for a project
Im working on. Most of the graphics will be sprite replacement, but also a few texture replacements.

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bellator said:

Im looking for someone to make some new graphics for a projectIm working on. Most of the graphics will be sprite replacement, but also a few texture replacements.

I can help you with small or simple things (projectiles like fireballs, weapons touchup, smoothed muzzleflashes, etc.), but I am frequently busy between real-life and my other projects so I won't be able to do anything large (like new monsters).

I am always free for "touching up" any work you feel is beyond your contol to make "good" in your opinion (send me your rough stuff and i'll make it smooth :)

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Hey Sirgalahadwizar.
take at first this...


and then read this...


and then post something!!

Greetings Tormentor667

Doom will never die!

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