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Variations of monsters and other DDF stuff

Guest ChriS

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Guest ChriS

How in DDF do I let there be more than one type of monster withouty replacing it (e.g a regular zombieman, and a zombieman with slightly darker clothes chosen randomly by the Doom engine, etc). Also, when I tried to use wildcards with weapon sounds (e.g shotgun, pistol, rocket launcher), EDGE crashes on me. Can someone answer these two questions?

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Guest Fanatic

1) variations in monsters: copy/paste the entire monster entry, give it a new name and id #, make your changes there/

2) wildcards: what is the error? what did you use for the sound entry? (gimme an example to see what you're doing wrong)

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Guest ChriS

Like I tried adding DSSHTGN2 and it didn't work :/
But can a new monster be added without messing with the ids and such?

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Guest Fanatic

1) DSSHTGN2 -is this a sound you've added to a WAD file, and added to SOUNDS.DDF? What did you put in WEAPONS.DDF for the wildcard line? Check the entry in THINGS.DDF for the [HEAVY_WEAPON_DUDE:65], he uses the wildcard for sounds, compare what you have to it for a working example (it works the same in WEAPONS.DDF as well).

2) You can add a new monster by creating a new entry in THINGS.DDF, in which case you *have* to assign it a new number and name, or else it would just be modifying an existing monster.

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Guest ChriS

I meant a NEW shotgun sound (DSSHTGN2, not DSDSHTGN) not the super shotgun. Also, how would the new monsters be used in the original iD levels?

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Guest Fanatic

Can you please post what you are trying to do in the DDF files and wildcards? I can only guess as to what is wrong at this point.

Please post the error you are getting as well.

New monsters in original id levels -replace existing ones (change everything except the thing # and name).

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