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Wild Man, Help Me!!!!

Guest Mauler

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Guest Mauler

Alright, everybody who knows how to do anything with Doom, you have to help me!!!!! I have the best idea ever in the glorious history of Doom! It's called Doom Arena. (and there is no way in hell I am going to write out my long description again.)
Anyway the main problem with this thing is this:
I know how to play Doom, and that's all I know how to do.
So tell me what I can do, True Doom Fans.
I don't need help in any specific area (Mapping, artwork, sound, design or anything), and ya know why?
I CANNOT DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As far as editing goes, I am the perfect example of a Newbie Bastard. I need any sort of help I can get. (I am about to put a severe guilt/threat line on you) Please, if you are a true Doomer, you will help me. If not, you deserve to be raped by an extra-blubbery Mancubus.

Just so you know, I am doing this all by my self, so this will take a long time, unless I get some serious help. (Doing things on your own is not impossible. The Doom marine managed to kill all the demons in hell by himself. Doom really happened, just so you know. They just made the game based on actual events. Yes, I know you don't believe me, but Doom is a true story. The Marine went to hell and killed about 6000 demons, in Doom 1-2 alone, not counting Final Doom, which is probably about 10000 more.)

Special Help is needed on Scripting events (is that even possible? Like you kill a baron of Hell and a Cyberdemon appears or something?)
and making a new interface (is THAT possible?)

Wild Man: Rex suggested that you could help me with Levels.
Speaking of levels, I would definitely include other people's levels in this thing. It would save me alot of time, and it would spare me the humiliation of presenting my horribly crappy levels. Deathmatch levels, man, deathmatch levels. Small ones. Pit Fighter levels, Arena Quake3/Unreal Tournament style levels. These levels need to be heavy combat levels. These levels cannot be huge levels where the levels are such huge levels that you could get lost in these levels. I want furious blood-letting in these levels. Non-stop carnage levels.
(Count how many times I said levels. 13 or something, plus when I tell you to count them.)




You have probably heard enough of my rambling now, but the message is done. Now it's time for you to reply and tell me exactly what to do.
E-Mail stuff to me at


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there allready is a doom arena project :o), i think its finished and I haven't heard anything about it for some time, it contains some good multiplayer levels.

as for the scripting, yes, i think both zdoom and edge can do it (i'm certain about zdoom), note that there's allso a port of zdoom called skulltag which specializes in multiplayer (adding bots and such)

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There are two ways to go here: 1) Create a new port that does what you want it to do. You'll have to know the C programming language and be able to compile the Doom sources.

2) Use an extensible port like ZDoom or Edge. Fanatic could help you with Edge. For ZDoom you can look at my wad called Survival and also look at my silly little beach haed map. Both maps show how to spawn monsters and Survival shows how to use the thingcount function to tell when a monster dies.Survival also has a score board that keeps tracks of kills. Just use Wintex to look at the Script lump in the wad and see the ACS.

As far as editing, the Edge homepage has a set of tutorials on using RTS and the new 3D stuff. I have a pretty good set of tutorials on ZDoom and a scripting primer on the ZDoom homepage. You might want to look that over. Doomworld also has a good listing of tutorials for general editing in the tutorials section.

If you don't want (or can't) write your own port, then I would suggest using Edge or ZDoom. My surivial wad is pretty much a Doom Arena type game and it uses ACS so it can be done. You are welcome to use any code from Survival if you find it useful. Just a mention would be nice.

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bitstate said:

there allready is a doom arena project :o), i think its finished and I haven't heard anything about it for some time, it contains some good multiplayer levels.

as for the scripting, yes, i think both zdoom and edge can do it (i'm certain about zdoom), note that there's allso a port of zdoom called skulltag which specializes in multiplayer (adding bots and such)

ST also has great new features for single player games.

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