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F*** ME


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WRETCHED F**** S*** DAMN IT!! WHORES! Somebody please tell me if this makes ANY sense: I'm working on a map in Deep. Everything is all peachy good. I save it a few times. I go to open another map. In the preview screen, it shows the map I am working on; it's just a bunch of jibberish and crooked lines, similar to what happens when you try and open a ZDoom/Hexen map in an editor like WadEd or preview the map in WinTex. Obviously this can't be correct, since the actual map is on-screen and in perfect condition, so I save it AGAIN to make sure that what is on-screen is saved. Now I go check another map (these two go together) and load up the old one, and WHAT IN THE FRICK-EAT? It's the same jibberish and F*** WRETCHES I AM PISSED! INCOMPREHENSIBLE DEFIANCE OF ALL F****** LOGICAL ***$ PISS! LOUSY F*** F****** F*** F**** PO!


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Do the maps still run, or are they all screwed up? What happens when you try to load the maps in another editor?

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Heh, and other people complain because WadAuthor "only" screws the sector floor/ceiling texture and height...
That really sucks! I hope you have a backup of your map somewhere!

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DeeP or DeePsea? What version? Since DeePsea permits a huge variety of options and file combinations, it was possible in earlier versions to have "old" and "new" formats mixed together in the same PWAD resulting in a stituation as you describe. Remember, DeePsea works with any format map in any game mode. There is a warning if format issues exist in a "grouped" PWAD.

Please write to us and send an precise description of your loaded files and a copy of the file(s) to resolve this.

There have been no reports from any registered users of the current 10.20 version remotely resembling this. The only difficult problems that come up revolve around OS issues caused by video/sound drivers, not enough real memory and interfering background tasks. If one works with us, we have resolved ALL these weirdos. In Japan, Windows caused a unique problem with the tabbed dialog - since the font used determines the dialog dimensions. There is one font we can't control in that dialog so the native one hoses the box dimensions!

Have a good one.

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Stphrz said:

Do the maps still run, or are they all screwed up? What happens when you try to load the maps in another editor?

They wouldn't run, because if you view the map it looks like a bunch of little kids scribbled on a piece of paper. It's never happened like that before; I am certain this was just a freak occurance, that's why I got so mad. I had another one like this where I went to save and it just said "saving data" but it was refreshing so insanely fast you would see lines going through the text. And so I shut it down and checked the map and it was a 0 byte WAD. But the other 99.9% of the time it's been fine, I just hate when something like that happens for no reason. What's more, I re-did it, from the exact same base wad, and it worked just fine, so everything's fixed now. I just keep multiple backups now.

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Whew! :) I've been doing that(keeping multiple backups) ever since I've been hearing about how Wadauthor sometimes randomly screws up maps. It hasn't happened to me yet, but if it does, I'm ready for it.

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What about the backup Deep makes when saving (ie it renames the old version of the level as .bak?

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It overwrote that... 'cause I saved it, and THEN saw the mess in the OPEN PWAD view-screen, so I thought it messed up ONCE, then I saved it AGAIN to make sure what I had on-screen was saved, so that took care of the .BAK too. Plus, I saved it about 4 or 5 times while I was working so it wouldn't have made a difference. But it's all back to normal now so no worries. Thanks.

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Guest Lost Souls


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Guest prets
Stphrz said:

Whew! :) I've been doing that(keeping multiple backups) ever since I've been hearing about how Wadauthor sometimes randomly screws up maps. It hasn't happened to me yet, but if it does, I'm ready for it.

murphy's rules of map making:
if u didn't back up the map, the editor will crash
if u did back up the map, the editor will still crash, plus
the backup will be currupt
if none of this happens, it's because it's waiting until u r
5 minutes away from finishing ur map...

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