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Additional Resources

Guest Usanagi

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Guest Usanagi

Is there any other resources for editing other than the ones listed here on doomworld? I've played doom for awhile, but am just now trying level editing. I've gone over the resources, checked the author in my editor (WadAuthor), but I'm already having questions that I can't find the answeres to. Any other places I can check? Anyone out there willing to listen to an aspiring wad author? I'd appreicate any help I could get.

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Guest Fanatic


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The DooMWorld editing forum is an excellent place to learn stuff. Spend some time reading through previous posts (you'll be amazed at how many aspects of editing have already been discussed). If you have an editing question, chances are that it's already been asked on this forum. If you can't find an answer (or are too lazy to read through all the posts), post the question. There are plenty of knowledgeable and helpful folks here. Good luck with your editing endeavors.

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