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Texture wad of Q3:A

Guest ChriS

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Guest ChriS

Has anyone have any opinions on my demo and full versions of the texture WAD?

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I have both the demo version and the full Q3A texture wads you put together. Very nice. In fact I'm using them in a 5-level set for ZDooM as we speak. Techno and techno-medieval theme. I also have your QDooM12.wad. I can see you put a lot of work into the sprites; unfortunately the enemy sprites are somewhat rough looking. The weapon sprites are quite cool, however. Thanks for the resources.

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Guest ChriS

Thanks! I put a hell of a lot of time into capturing viewpoints of the models, shrinking the sprites and applying the palettes. Look soon for my new EDGE mod soon. There'll be new enemies, weapons and items (NOT replaced, NEW :)) along with a few levels

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