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Im converting the Doom levels to Q3. Now, can anyone tell me how I can get the original (not the midi crap) mp2's from Bobby Princes' collection into a 22kh 16 bit mono wav format?

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Use WinAmp. Hit Control-P (for Preferences), Under Plug-Ins, select "Output" and then "Nullsoft Disk-Writer Plugin" and it will output the MP2/MP3's to a .WAV file in whatever directory you choose.

They will be in CD-Quality, so open them in any .WAV editor (Sound Recorder will work) and pick "Save As..." and change the quality to whatever you want.

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Guest Fanatic

Cool Edit will convert MP2's to anything else as well (http://www.syntrillium.com). You can search around for sound converters.

There's also Awave (http://www.fmjsoft.com/awframe.html), it can convert any sound file to any other format, like 100 different formats. That's always an option too.

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Lüt said:

Use WinAmp. Hit Control-P (for Preferences), Under Plug-Ins, select "Output" and then "Nullsoft Disk-Writer Plugin" and it will output the MP2/MP3's to a .WAV file in whatever directory you choose.

They will be in CD-Quality, so open them in any .WAV editor (Sound Recorder will work) and pick "Save As..." and change the quality to whatever you want.

You guys rock man. Thanks. Rest assured knowing that Doom is still alive and well.

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