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Lower\Upper Texture Align

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Are there any editors that align lower and upper textures.

I usually don't really need to, but I'm adding lighting into
my level now, and I want the bars in a window to cast a shadow, only prob is what it does to the texture, and I don't know how to manually align them.

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Guest cybersquirrel

I think Deep does but I'm not too sure. Manually aligning the textures isn't really too hard anyway. Or you could just release the WAD with the textures misaligned :-)

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WadAuthor aligns upper and lower textures. However, it aligns them both by the same values. I have not figured out a way to align the upper texture independent of the lower.

Aligning textures manually is not difficult. It gets to be a pain when you have a long section of sidedefs that you're trying to align. But for short sections it easy, and just requires some basic arithmetic. Say you have four sections of a sidedef that you want to align. To simplify the example, say the four sections are equally long, and the total length is 128. Say your texture is also 128 in length. The first section will have a 0 x-offset (assuming that's where you want your texture to begin). The second section will need to be offset to the left by the length of the first section (i.e., 128/4 = 32). The third section will need to be offset to the left by the sum of the lengths of the first two sections (i.e., 64). Likewise, the fourth section will need to be offset by 96. Apply this technique for any section of sidedefs that you want to align.

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Guest Dream Destroyer

Edmap will do it. I must be the only one who uses that edior. :) You just put your mouse over the sector, and press F8. BANG. Done.

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If you're using WadAuthor, simply select the linedef and in the bottom bar WadAuthor tells you the length. Other editors have similar features that tell you the length of the sidedef.

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