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Edge DDF questions


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1.) Can you make enemies deaths depend on the weapon it's killed by? example: Tesla Cannon = electracuted, Flamethrower = burnt, so on, so foreth
2.) Can you make it so enemies can bleed, I mean bleed like in real life (enemy gets shot, runs away, constantly bleeds until it dies or something to that effect?
3.) Have weapons have different effects like if fired too long it'll overheat than expload and and you'll no longer have it?
4.) Have enemies have multiple attacks (not just two) like example: zombie w/ mp5, will throw offhand grenade rarely, knife you up close, or maybe kick you up close, or maybe even... ah hell, you get the idea.
5.) Have individual pickup sounds for each item, like picking up health vial would play "That helped alittle." as opposed to medikits which play "Ah... Much better." (ala Duke Nukem). Other examples would be shotgun making one sound, the chaingun makes another, rocket launcher another, etc etc.

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Guest Fanatic

1) in EDGE 1.25, you should be able to, but not in EDGE 1.24
2) not the way you would want it to work, but you could add spare attack or make the enemy smopke (like the reverants rocket), and use randomjump to skip it most of the time, that would work, but he would bleed all the time. There's no way to turn that kind of thing on or off based on damage. Good idea tho.
3) no, good idea there too
4) yes, in EDGE 1.25 you can call unlimited attacks. Check it out, but I think I did that in the QDOOM test, where you can call attachs using RANGE_ATTACK(attackname), I don't have it here at work, but if I did that (and I think I did), you can call unlimited attacks that way in EDGE 1.24
5) yes, change the pickup sound entry in things.ddf, and the language reference from language.ldf

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Fanatic said:

1) in EDGE 1.25, you should be able to, but not in EDGE 1.24
2) not the way you would want it to work, but you could add spare attack or make the enemy smopke (like the reverants rocket), and use randomjump to skip it most of the time, that would work, but he would bleed all the time. There's no way to turn that kind of thing on or off based on damage. Good idea tho.
3) no, good idea there too
4) yes, in EDGE 1.25 you can call unlimited attacks. Check it out, but I think I did that in the QDOOM test, where you can call attachs using RANGE_ATTACK(attackname), I don't have it here at work, but if I did that (and I think I did), you can call unlimited attacks that way in EDGE 1.24
5) yes, change the pickup sound entry in things.ddf, and the language reference from language.ldf

Sorry Fanatic, one more question: in the next Edge release it's suppost to have multiplayer, my questions is will you have DDF support for classes (starting with certain weapons, different skin on spawn, etc etc)??

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Guest Fanatic

It won't have HeXen styled classes, I'm sure that's on the todo list.

But, you could modify the player entries for coop play only, and make each one somewhat different, but attacks and weapons would be the same for each.

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well the weapons and attacks aren't of concern, i was talking more of having different characters (speeds, life, and skin)

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Guest Fanatic

Only in the coop world.

You can set different sprites to use for the attacks and walking, etc., speed, sounds, but the health in EDGE 1.24 is ignored (was hard coded to 100% starting health), it's fixed in EDGE 1.25 tho.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Fanatic said:

1) in EDGE 1.25, you should be able to, but not in EDGE 1.24
2) not the way you would want it to work, but you could add spare attack or make the enemy smopke (like the reverants rocket), and use randomjump to skip it most of the time, that would work, but he would bleed all the time. There's no way to turn that kind of thing on or off based on damage. Good idea tho.
3) no, good idea there too
4) yes, in EDGE 1.25 you can call unlimited attacks. Check it out, but I think I did that in the QDOOM test, where you can call attachs using RANGE_ATTACK(attackname), I don't have it here at work, but if I did that (and I think I did), you can call unlimited attacks that way in EDGE 1.24
5) yes, change the pickup sound entry in things.ddf, and the language reference from language.ldf

Aimed @ Fanatic

Totally off-subject, but:

I noticed on your site in the qdoom area, you said that you used PSP to import the doom palette into your quake textures.

Did you know that wintex will automaticially re-fit the palette of anything (pixtures) that is inserted into a wadfile to the palette that already exists in that wadfile or (if no palette in wadfile) the main iwad palette.

You could ahve something with a completly custom palette (like 256 shades of gray) and it will re-fit it as best as possible to the doom palette.
About the only colors that don't work well are:
* greyish blues (civil war blue as I call it, ROTT had pervailing use of it).
* teal colors (tend to get mixed up with trasparencey, makes for a bad grey/blue combo anyways)
* Yellow to Orange transitions (goes from straight yellow to straight orange)
* Purple (not many shades, gets chunkied with red and maroon)

just thought I would tell you (even though you probably already know).

This also works really good for changing a sprite's colors, like instant green troopers and white-hot baron fireballs (you jsut get the gfx, change the image's palette with PSP or something, and import it into wintex, wala a different colored sprite). I recently made a green-blooded zombie for a friend of mine like this (changed color of zombie's death sequence blood from red to green).

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Guest Fanatic

Yes, I do know, but Wintex's palette remapping sucks (as it says in the help file for Wintex too). It is extremely slow and poor with converting 16bit palettes to 256 color palettes.

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sirgalahadwizar said:

Hey Wizard!

A quick question for our mod, can I add extra textures (instead of replacing textures) like let's say I want a texture that i made to be in it, do i just put it in the wad and then go into the map editor and apply it or what? And I have another question too. Adding enemies.......how do I go about doing that? (I mean like a whole new enemy, like giving them a new item value) Would I add it in the things.ddf then define it's attack in attacks.ddf and so on?

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Guest Fanatic

New textures are not engine dependant necessarily. Just add them in your WAD and define them in the texture lump (using Wintex is easiest). There isn't anything different in EDGE, except you can define new anomated textures and switches without replacing existing one (if that's what you really meant). But it's still dependant you defining texture in some way in your WAD file.

The easiest way to add a new enemy if you're unfamiliar with DDF is to copy/paste an existing one in THINGS.DDF, and modify the copy (change the thing id # and name, and attributes/frames), then do the same in ATTACKS.DDF for any changed attacks.

There are some basic tutorials on the DDF documentation page at http://edge.sourcefoerge.net .

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Thanks Fanatic, you're a great help (No sarcasm intended)
Is it possible to make drivable vehicles in EDGE or any other source ports for that matter?

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Guest Fanatic

You could make a weapon what has frames that look like a car or something, but basically no.

I think we have some stuff possibly in EDGE 1.25 that may do a little more, but we would need to really do some significant changes/additions to do it correctly.

I'll submit it as a new feature somehow, either with exclusive "vehicle" type tags, or additions to existing ones to affect other attributes.

Good idea. :)

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Fanatic said:

Yes, I do know, but Wintex's palette remapping sucks (as it says in the help file for Wintex too). It is extremely slow and poor with converting 16bit palettes to 256 color palettes.

That is why you convert the images to 8-bit first, but you don't neccicarily need to ahve the exact doom palette on them (something that a friend of mine found out painfully)

just glad you didn't go though anguish over such menail work.

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Was that directed at me? ;) Anyway, I've been screwwing around with edge a bit and I'm pleased to say that I'm getting the hang of it pretty quickly, I almost have one new enemy for our moddone, I just need to finish fixing it's graphics. P.S. CHECK J00R E-MAIL!!! :P

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Fanatic said:

You could make a weapon what has frames that look like a car or something, but basically no.

I think we have some stuff possibly in EDGE 1.25 that may do a little more, but we would need to really do some significant changes/additions to do it correctly.

I'll submit it as a new feature somehow, either with exclusive "vehicle" type tags, or additions to existing ones to affect other attributes.

Good idea. :)

Cool, I just had a cool idea for the mod that i'm working on with Sirgalahad here. I wanted to have some old cars sitting around that you can hop into and run over stuff. But oh well, I look forward to the results of your efforts on this idea. :D

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