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Well, since this is a technology forum for Doom 3, I have a question. The Raedon 8500 and the GeForce 4 ti 4600 are the best cards for Doom 3 right? What are the differences in performance between the two for Doom 3?

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Yes, but will they still be the best cards when it actually comes out?

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pritch said:

Yes, but will they still be the best cards when it actually comes out?

Who knows?

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I'm not sure if I've missed something, but I understood that the 8500 was consistantly slower than the TI in most cases (for Doom3). The main advantage of the 8500 was that it could do the whole lighting equation in one pass. Maybe it was just another ATI driver issue, and the 8500 will be up-to-speed when Doom3 comes out.

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all i can say to ID is good luck selling Doom 3 if it will only run decently on a gf3/4 considering a huge amount of PC users have gf1/2 still and probably will when it comes out

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Darkhound said:

all i can say to ID is good luck selling Doom 3 if it will only run decently on a gf3/4 considering a huge amount of PC users have gf1/2 still and probably will when it comes out

Yeah, but Doom 3 can also run on these cards - just not very well.

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Darkhound said:

all i can say to ID is good luck selling Doom 3 if it will only run decently on a gf3/4 considering a huge amount of PC users have gf1/2 still and probably will when it comes out

yeah i said "only run decently", noone wants to play a game at less than 30fps, even Doom 3 i would bet, and since it doesnt run very well on these cards, which a lot of people still have, they wont sell as many copies

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Considering it will probably be around a year until Doom 3 comes out, a lot of those people will have upgraded by then.

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Darkhound said:

yeah i said "only run decently", noone wants to play a game at less than 30fps, even Doom 3 i would bet, and since it doesnt run very well on these cards, which a lot of people still have, they wont sell as many copies

Oh yeah? Well I ran Doom (the old one) on a 386 SX (I think) with 4 mb RAM - chucky as Hell. I played it gleefully anyway.
And btw, for the 666th time: When the game's out the hardware required to run it will be standard - as always.
Why don't you people get it? It's been mention about 666 times before or so and yet you STILL whine about the hardware.

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Wow, new forum. I'll be damned.

Radeon8500 and GF4 are the best cards on the market right now for Doom III. Radeon8500 can do most of the lighting stuff in one pass, though GeForce4 is still a bit faster because of its geometry troughput, or chewy chocolaty center or whatever. And as dsm says, by the time the game's out this kind of hardware will be standard in high-end PC's. Just wait it out, I'm sure it'll be worth it.

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dsm said:

Oh yeah? Well I ran Doom (the old one) on a 386 SX (I think) with 4 mb RAM - chucky as Hell. I played it gleefully anyway.
And btw, for the 666th time: When the game's out the hardware required to run it will be standard - as always.
Why don't you people get it? It's been mention about 666 times before or so and yet you STILL whine about the hardware.

1.Maybe you play gleefully away at 15fps, but i dont, and ithink you'll find most other people dont aswell as people expect higher standards from games nowadays.
2.A gf3 ti500 runs it at 30fps all details on supposedly, whats a geforce 1/2 gonna run it at looking half decent? 25-30fps?
3.Oh and btw, i aint whining as i have a gf4 ti4200 so i have no reason to, i just think that its bad if you need a geforce3 to run it

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By the time Doom III comes out, Geforce3 cards will be standard issue with new computers, not to mention pretty much required if you want anything new to run well. Each step Id has taken technology-wise has upped the scale. Doom was a huge jump from Wolfenstein, followed by Quake, which required a Pentium, which I believe was pretty new, like Geforce3 and 4, followed by Quake 2, which didn't run well on my brand new computer I bought after the game came out! Doom 3's requirements seem high now, but since the game is scheduled for release in 2003, it would be wise to assume that the game may come out 2004. When was the last time ANY game was on time for its original release date? We might all have Geforce6 cards when it comes out.

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I just got two threads moved to make a point: GAMEPLAY AND TECHNOLOGY ARE INTERRELATED, YOU CANNOT SEPARATE A GAME INTO GRAPHICS AND MECHANICS. Im sorry for the posters whos stuff got moved, i didnt expect the mods to take it seriously, my joke kinda backfired sorry.

perhaps technology can be its own forum, and doom 3 can have its own secion
but its not too late to consolidate

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heh,I did`t think that it`s a joke when I read your post about moving thread.(kinda)
but i like DOOM3 forum separated in two like this.

on topic-At least,DOOM3 might run decently on GF4 (not MX) card,Many people will update their system for this year`s upcoming game and their new system will run DOOM ok.the rest of GF1/2 users (like me) is waiting for DOOM3 to upgrade. High requirement problem might be not that seriously bad.

BTW,Have JC ever mentioned that how many FPS that ATI`s R300 got for running DOOM3?

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Xian said:

I just got two threads moved to make a point: GAMEPLAY AND TECHNOLOGY ARE INTERRELATED, YOU CANNOT SEPARATE A GAME INTO GRAPHICS AND MECHANICS. Im sorry for the posters whos stuff got moved, i didnt expect the mods to take it seriously, my joke kinda backfired sorry.

perhaps technology can be its own forum, and doom 3 can have its own secion
but its not too late to consolidate

My first reaction was that you were joking, but after quickly looking through the threads, I decided that you were right.

Nah, technology is somewhat Doom 3 related, so it shouldn't have its own forum imo.

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Dark-tenshi said:

heh,I did`t think that it`s a joke when I read your post about moving thread.(kinda)
but i like DOOM3 forum separated in two like this.

on topic-At least,DOOM3 might run decently on GF4 (not MX) card,Many people will update their system for this year`s upcoming game and their new system will run DOOM ok.the rest of GF1/2 users (like me) is waiting for DOOM3 to upgrade. High requirement problem might be not that seriously bad.

BTW,Have JC ever mentioned that how many FPS that ATI`s R300 got for running DOOM3?

DOOM III will run on a GF4 Ti without any problems. (afaik)
I don't think he has mentioned how many fps it gets. He DID say the Geforce IV runs it faster, but the r300 runs it better.

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Xian said:


but its not too late to consolidate

I could not agree more. We all know that the games of idsoftware are all about gameplay AND technology. idsoftware games without the geek fans adoring the technology is not a good idsoftware game.

Why do we / I like idsoftware games?

1. idsoftware drives (create)standards (Glide, OpenGL etc)
2. idsoftware drives hardware (GPU, processor)
3. idsoftware drives the modcummunity with opensourcing (part of) their games
4. idsoftware games look always state of the art
5. idsoftware games are innovative (LAN/Internet gaming)
6. idsoftware games are fun to play
7. playing games from id makes you feel like a cool guy, who is in touch with times to come.

Well, all this makes me come to only one conclusion, whereby I support Xian :

Xian said:


but its not too late to consolidate

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Lord FlatHead said:

The only thing I hate more than people who repeat themselves, is people who repeat others. So don't.

1. Why does this forum support the quote function?
2. Why is it that Mr. Flathead don't contribute to the content of what is said, but likes to make dumb remarks?
3. Why can't people share the same idea and express this?
4. Why can't people support the same thought and give different arguements to support this idea?

Tell me, Flathead.

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Darkhound said:

Sometimes you have to quote someone to put across your view on what they said.

The only thing I hate more than people who repeat themselves, is people who repeat others. So don't.

Mr Flathead didn't say that he hated when people quoted what others had posted, Mr Flathead said he hated people who repeated what others had posted as in "saying exactly the same stuff".

Get it? Or do I really have to cut it out for ya?

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Doom 3 the game, and Doom 3 the engine, are quite obviously two separate topics. If someone wants to ask about portals or edge culling or z-clipping or dot3 bumpmapping or whatever else the engine does, that has nothing to do with Doom 3 the game, and everything to do with Doom 3 the John Carmack code creation. Thread closed.

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