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It's a poll Jim, but not as we know it.

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And why is it not as we know it?

Because Liam isn't writing it

Anyway, What's Your favourite Monster from any FPS game?

Mine has to be the Lava Golems From Serious Sam. They rule.

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Doom-Mix between the Demon, Imp, and Baron of Hell.
Quake-I personally like the zombies. They sound really cool, and scary, especially when you're playing at night. Those knight guys are also cool.
Quake2-I like those big guys with the Chainguns for right arms. I also like those big machine/human hybrids who have grenade-launchers for right arms.
How's that?
Doom, Quake, and Quake2-three of the best FPSs I've ever played.

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And why is it not as we know it?

Because Liam isn't writing it


Damn straight.

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I'm not sure about my favorite but the most annoying was Eidolon. There's no way to beat him without cheats.

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I'm not sure about my favorite but the most annoying was Eidolon. There's no way to beat him without cheats.



What game is he from?

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I'm not sure about my favorite but the most annoying was Eidolon. There's no way to beat him without cheats.



What game is he from?


Yeah. I've never heard of him.

Oh, and DemonSlayer - I said your fave from any FPS, not from each.

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I'm not sure about my favorite but the most annoying was Eidolon. There's no way to beat him without cheats.



I can defeat him any day, any class, any difficulty setting, but hey, I finished H2 18 times and counting, so I guess I'm pretty obsessed with the damn thing.

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Baron of hell.

And for the most annoying, well it's not a monster but I'll go on a wide-spread scale and say it anyway. The entire simulant AI on Perfect Dark. The disarm function is so cheap that I rarely ever play the combat simulator with simulants involved anymore. It made me so frustrated that I even had a nightmare about it once.

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Baron of hell.

And for the most annoying, well it's not a monster but I'll go wide spread and say it anyway. The entire simulant AI on Perfect Dark. The disarm function is so cheap that I rarely ever play the combat simulator with simulants involved anymore. It made me so frustrated that I even had a nightmare about it once.


The Darksims are Motherfuckers, especially on the last challenge! I'd rather use a cheat to beat those fuckers!

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