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This Week In Doomage

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I came up with an interesting idea while sifting through my old emails on my computer the other day. Of course the next logical question is: What did I come up with? Well, it's simple, a look back at the world of Doom since Doomworld came into this world. One day of updates for what happened in this week for each year that Doomworld has been around. Of course, what makes this even more interesting is the fact that there are so many missing news items in the archives, and so much stuff in the inbox that just made me laugh. I'm running this week as a test, and if things go well, it could become a regular feature here at Doomworld and who knows, maybe I won't have to do all the work.


The week started off with our friends at Twilight Warrior announcing the winners to their Maximum Prejudice contest. Of course what makes this special is that Twilight Warrior was one of those few projects that was released as it was meant to be, not as is. This was also the week where Carmack announced two new commercial Doom projects, WebTV Doom and WinCE Doom, both of which were supposed to be based off the Boom source code. Shortly after, Bruce Lewis, famed coder of the doomed WinDoom and glDoom project was announced as the man behind the CEDoom project. We also had the introduction of the Team Insanity Insane review on the 2nd, where the entire team would sit down together and rate a level together. And on only the thrid day of the week we were introduced to two new coding projects, PRBoom and SLIGE. PRBoom was of course the Win32 version of TeamTNT's Boom, that eventually became an official part of TeamTNT. SLIGE, well SLIGE was SLIGE. The most advanced automated level creation tool ever released for Doom. Where else could you make a full 32 level megawad in just minutes? And not to leave out the levels either, the third was also the day The Darkening joined Doomworld as well as our /newstuff review of Crestfallen, which was the start of our busiest oldstyle /newstuff ever! On the 4th day, if you were lucky enough to gain entrance to the old IRC stomping grounds on EFnet you would have been greeted by none other than Romero himself as well as Iikka, making for quite an interesting evening for those who were there.

Moving on to Day number 5, we had the release of the >GothicDM Texture wad file! This is one of those moments that just changed the look (literally) of many a Doom level for years to come. Of course, being the basis for two of the most famous deathmatch megawads ever, probably had something to do with it as well. SlaughterDM, another poor plauged project that basically got released as is, announced it was to recieve an unfinished level from Iikka Kernan, that would later be finished by Adelusion. And diving into a realm of what might seem to be a little off topic, I got slapped around for the one millionth time by my personal editor, Len Pitre, for screwing something major up, yet again! God knows how many people he saved from misinformation. Only two days left, and yet so much knews, and this is only year one. The 6th day of July led us to the updates about some project known as Ragnorak, by some people known as TeamTNT. If you don't know about this, well, go read up on your history. In inside news, Linguica, our ever lovable webmaster, sent out a nice little email to all the promising projects of our day promoting our new Events section, after the wonderful success we had with Overload. And on the final day, we had the announcement from WinDoom coder Bruce Lewis, that over 1100 people had purchased Doom again just to play WinDoom. How silly they must have feel know, if only they had known. And finally, one more interesting little look at the past from the seventh, as this item showed up in my inbox asking only "Does Doomworld work with Doom2?". Well of course it does silly.

That would be the week of July 1st, 1998 in a nutshell. Look for two more days of Doom enjoyment to be coming your way. So please, leave judgement for this little idea till we finish our first week at this. Then we can tweak it and make it perfect, or we can scrap it if you all really hate it that much. I'm going to do my best to make sure I do as good of a job on the links with all this stuff as I can.

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Thanks Scott, you've made me feel really really old :-P

Seriously, this could be a fun thing. I remember reading through Mordeth's news archives late last year. Frightening is about the best word I can use to sum that experience up.

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I am going to have to put an ixnay on this horribly long thing unless it 1) gets shorter and 2) includes everything for every year up to now. I don't want this thing running almost every day.

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Well, see, that's the idea, ok so shorter = only major news. All years since the beginning is easy enough to do. I already have it all laid out in an outline so I can try a revised version with just the major stuff for 99 and 00 and 01 tomorrow.
Like I said, it'll take me a lil' bit to work out the bugs.

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doomworld news is already full of non-news (so and so project that has never shown any results has changed the colour of their web page!), I doubt having all that summarized makes any sense... taking only absolutely MAJOR events would be more fun.

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Or how about just giving an intro, and having a "more..." link like with the newstuff?

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He he, no. I meant something like

This Week in Doomage

In the news this week in 1999, Mordeth TC has not been released more...

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