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First level I played.

Guest Painkiller

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Guest Painkiller

First Doom level I played: Abyss.wad. I have the Dzone collection of good Doom 1 levels on a disk. Levels Included are
Abyss.wad, Afro.wad, Atrium.wad, Atlnts1.wad,Megawatt.wad,
fear21.wad, deathcas.wad, scream.wad, and Stones.wad
Anyone else start playing doom levels from this collection?

First Doom 2 wad I played: Argus.wad

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The first PWAD I played was Mountain Factory by Gregorz Werner. That level ROCKED. It had excellent architecture, monster placement, skill level implementation, you name it. The level did so to say surprise all the time with bold monster placement and surprise traps, so you stayed on your toes all the time. That level did in much inspire myself to make own levels, and much of my editing style was inherited from it. My first official level, MARDUK, had some similarities to that level regarding monster placement and lighting style. My second level Cradle of Filth also contained some of the excellent brick / metal style employed in Mountain factory. I have that level to thank for a whole lot of inspiration, and it is even today one of the best levels I have ever played.

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Guest cocoon

Why can't people continue in the strings that contains the sae shit?? Learn from this. You guys pushed the wrong button

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The first LEVEL I've played would probably be Doom2 MAP01 in early 1995. That was at my cousin's house.. On March 6th, 1995, the Michaelangelo virus hit our computer, and I lost all my PWADs. :(

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Guest Duke Nukem

The first DOOM level i ever played was E1M1 of the 32X Version of Doom. There was one thing different about that game and that was it had 17 levels and 2 of them were secret. If i knew how to make Roms i would make one for it. It wasnt anything special though.

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I think the first PWAD I played was Hoover.wad by Mike Reed (that isn't prower) because his site was the first to show from a Yahoo! doom search... I don't remember any other wads early on besides his...

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I don't remember the absolute first, but I loved Heroes2. Probably just for the first level.

Lost souls coming out of graves, gaining powerups by hitting switches, and how's this for a trap? A thin bridge over a large pit full of monsters, with cyberdemons in cages at the left and right, spraying rockets everywhere. The trick is to find an area elsewhere on the large map where there's a switch that teleports player clones, and telefrags all of the cybers. All this using Doom2.exe without dehacked.

It had great sounds (except for the demon which sounded stupid) the architecture isn't really today's standards, but still damn interesting, monster placement is exceptional, and extremely difficult.

Well, to tell the truth, the first level is the only level on the whole megawad that I liked, but it's worth the download just for it.

Take a look at the first map using an editor. It has so many little tricks that you probably never would have thought of.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest zyvgjc

The first level that I have played was called "Attack" on the Playstation. The level music were excellent! The only bad parts were the absense of some of the monsters in Final Doom. The Mancubus only appeared in one level, and the Barons of Hell and the Spider Mastermind were nowhere to be found. Too bad.

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