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The Apocalypse Part 5

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Rick, how many hours a day do you work on doom levels and projects? Youre one devoted guy.

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Mantra said:

Rick, how many hours a day do you work on doom levels and projects? Youre one devoted guy.

This may sound strange but I only spend an hour or so a day playing with Doom. I don't watch much TV (other then the Dallas Stars hockey and Xena :) and I like to excercise the mind. This map only took about four hours total with testing so it isn't really much. I was going to send it off to Cocoon for testing, but I decided it would go as is. Most people seem to like the maps as they are.

I don't consider myself more than an average map maker, but I do try to produce maps I would like to play myself. They aren't Gothic detailed or quality and I'm not trying to emulate that. Rather, I just want to make an interesting and fun map. From the comments I have been getting this series seems to be very well recieved so my efforts have been rewarded.

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Guest cocoon

Hey Rick.

My computer is down and that is why I haven't sent you a reply... never knew. I am real sorry 'bout that.

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