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Christmas is over but... get X-MAS DM!!!

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Hey guys,
I know everybody says, his levels are the best but: My X-MAS DM is the best X-MAS Deathmatch you can get all over the web! It has everything, a well-done map needs to have: Ambient sounds, new enemys, new levels, new Sprites (including snow!!!), new music (xmas music :-) and a lot of cool secret you have to find. Also it has new weapons and a few icey remakes of old maps like the map01, map31, e1m1 and e1m1 of heretic. Try this and you will believe me, that this IS the best xmas wad you can get.

www.tormentor667.de or www.geocoities.com/tormentor667

...then enter the "MyWork" Section and download it!!! Also please visit my guestbook!

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DAMN IT MAN!!!!! I can't find the "mywork" section

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