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Stadel Edge Map

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I was learning the 3D stuff in Edge and worked up a little map called stadel.wad. It is on cdrom. Lots of 3D in this one. It may run a jerky on slower machines though. I hope they fix that.

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I am running at a step lower than 640 and it seems to work pretty well. Try a lower res and it may work better.

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640x400 runs better than 640x480, but still not good. Looks like EDGE does not like my hardware :(

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Good map and graphics, one problem with the game dynamics of th level though:
You cannot get the blue key and get to the switch without cheating (to get out of those pits).
Maybe it's just that I haven't found the way out yet, or the map does'nt have one.
And there is nothing at all 3D about it that I am aware of like a floor above a cieling, this map is possible to make without using 3D
(should i be using that truebsp thingy that other guy said?, if so is it a parameter of some sort?)

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HA HA... I had EXACTLY the same complaint the first time I ran this map. I was just about to sent Rick a note when I suddenly realized that I didn't have the latest version of Edge installed.

Try Edge v1.24 (DOS or Win32) and hey presto ... 3D stuff ;)

I wonder how many other people made the same mistake using v1.23?
What a difference a minor 0.01 update makes, eh?

Hope this helps.


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boris said:

640x400 runs better than 640x480, but still not good. Looks like EDGE does not like my hardware :(

Its not only that, edge *is* slow, my poor p166mmx hadn't a chance to run qdoom at reasonable speed even in dos at 320x240 ...

I know my comp is slow but atleast zdoom gives me reasonable framerate even at that vierd 500 something x something resolution :o)

hopefully it's slow because of that its unoptimized or something and not because everything is customisable.

btw, i'm getting a 233mhz next week, better than nothing atleast :O)

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Sparky said:

HA HA... I had EXACTLY the same complaint the first time I ran this map. I was just about to sent Rick a note when I suddenly realized that I didn't have the latest version of Edge installed.

Try Edge v1.24 (DOS or Win32) and hey presto ... 3D stuff ;)

I wonder how many other people made the same mistake using v1.23?
What a difference a minor 0.01 update makes, eh?

Hope this helps.


I have v1.24 though.

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boris said:

640x400 runs better than 640x480, but still not good. Looks like EDGE does not like my hardware :(

NOTE: EDGE is currently a software renderer, EDGEGL uses hardware acceleration (EDGE 1.25 should be much better, and the EDGEGL should be ready for another alpha release to play with)

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