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The Mars Missions - version B update

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Here's an unauthorized, updated version of the recently released MARSPRV9.ZIP (originally by Berthold Beckschfer and Thomas Lokum. The Mars Missions is for Doom II and features: 10 single-player maps, some new monsters, modified weapons, music, sound, and
lots of new graphics.

The original version contained 836 files and required 50 MB to create a whole new iwad! This version is in 'standard' wad format and contains only 3 files (.deh .wad and .txt).

It works fine with 'Plain Vanilla' Doom II v1.9 but no patching is required if you use a Source Port which can import DeHackEd patches and pwads containing sprite data; such as: Boom, PRboom, MBF, SMMU, PrjDoom, ZDoom, ZDoomGL, Legacy, etc. (it doesn't work with glLegacy).

You can get the updated version from here (2.4 MB):

Because it's an unauthorized version, I won't be
distributing it through the regular channels.

KISS Software

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ReX said:

The Sparkmeister is back

Don't get too excited Rex, the Olympics are coming
...once every 4 years I don't sleep for 2 weeks!

Even Doom got put on hold last time - or was that Quake,
Duke Nukem, Blood or Shadow Warrior back in 1996????
Nope, it must have been Doom2 ;-)

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boris said:

AFAIK the original authors are doing an update of their WAD themselves for ZDooM. If you have not seen yet you may want to go to http://www.notgod.com/phorum/read.php?f=6&i=821&t=821
However, great work as ever, Sparky!

Thanks for the link Tarin.
I notified the authors (Berthold Beckschfer and Thomas Lokum)about my mod.
I didn't change anything (not even the bugs), so I hope they don't mind.
Judging by their puzzles, these blokes are very bright - I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do with ZDoom. Hopefully they'll finish the project with 'Plain Vanilla' Doom2 before they start the ZDoom conversion.

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