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Linedef triggers secret?

Guest o-langh

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Guest o-langh

Anyone know if its possible to let a linedef trigger a secret in a level? I want a secret inbetween some crates, and figure out how to make it trigger.

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Guest o-langh

It`s for the 10 sector contest, and I`ve already use the 10 sectors allowed...

Is it possible to let the lindef trigger it or do i have to leave out the secret?

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Guest Fanatic

DOOM2 does not have any line triggers for a secret area. You can only use the sector special for a secret.

If you used a source port, you could define a secret trigger any number of ways, but since the contest is limited to DOOM2/BOOMline types, that's all we can use.

If there's something in BOOM that you can use,I'm not aware of it (someone will correct me if I'm wrong I'm sure :).

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not really !
i can make a single line by erased others line of a subsector and make this line his personal triggers as it for exit as a secret level.

--> nW1: end level, go to secret

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