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Blasphemy! Malcolm Sailor map revisited...

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Does anyone remember darker.wad by Malcolm Sailor
(I think it was his first released wad)?

If I say the words "pitch black" and "Chaingunner",
does that help?

Well, here's an unofficial update to darker.zip.
It's a bit brighter, hence easier for us mere mortals.

The ONLY changes made are:
- increased the overall brightness of the level by 30 units
- converted the external lmp demo to Doom II v1.9
- inserted the demo into the wad

Once again, I won't be distributing this through the
regular channels for obvious reasons. Get it from here (37 KB):


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Guest malcolm


I really wish you hadn't dug that up!!!

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Hey, someone famous !!!!!

First of all, just let me say thanks for all those classic maps you've given us over the years. You've made me smack my monitor on more than one occassion, I can tell you!

There's certainly nothing to be embarassed about with darker.wad.
Even your first efforts totally kicked ass! You were some kind of Doom Child Prodigy!

Just say the word, and I'll delete darker2.zip from my site.
I can't be upsetting someone I hold in such high esteem. :)

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malcolm said:


I really wish you hadn't dug that up!!!

OMG! Well, at least I know there is still hope for me to get better like you did :) If I get half as good I'll be happy! I'd be interested in seeing the early efforts of some of the other good level authors too. Hey Sparky, any chance you can dig up some more skeletons, err humble early levels of some well known wad masters?

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I reckon' it's unbelievable for a first effort; especially way back in 1995 (?). Definately a sign of things to come. Malcolm's undoubtedly one of the best wad authors of all time.

On the other hand, Stphrz, have you played Iika's school level? Now that sucked by ANY standards.

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