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Total Conversions Ideas!!

Guest FarlieA

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Guest FarlieA

In no particular order:

Dr Who : Suggeste name (Dr whoM ;-)
Hitchcock film
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Dracula ( But done better than the applaing Unleashed)
The Last Ninja( Easy to get 32 levels!!)
Sabre Wulf ( A very old Sinclair spectrum game)
Monty :The Return ( Monty Mole makes a comeback!!)
Romans: The forum,Coliesum Etc... (Messages in Latin perhaps ;-)
Viking Doom: Might not need too many new textures!!)
Phantoom: Phantom of the opera style levels?
Labaryinth(Henson Film)

Aztec Temple...

Anyone working on these... I'm tired of sci-fi scenarios :-(
(Of course if anyone is working on them I'd love to make sugfgestions!!


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Definately Vikings! That sounds realy kewl, but would probably suit Heretic or Hexen fans more than Doomers.

Dr Who has been done several times in the past, but never well.

There's an unauthorized update of a Dr Who TC on my site.
I haven't had permission from the original author yet to upload it to cdrom.com. It's 1.7 MB.


Here's a bit of a blurb I prepared:


DRWHO2.ZIP - Dr Who Doom (version 2) - for Doom II
A Partial Conversion based on the Dr Who TV Series; featuring
one level, new monsters, weapons, sound, music and graphics.

Original author: Andrew Brockhouse

It WILL work with 'Plain Vanilla' Doom2, but a source port with
DeHackEd and sprite support is easier (Boom, PrBoom, MBF, SMMU,
PrjDoom, ZDoom, Legacy, etc.)

New to this version:
- combined the 4 wads into a single file
- repaired a faulty sprite, fixed the music and some sounds
- deleted lots of duplicate resources (sprites and sounds)
- fixed several sprite offsets
- added a few things like: level name graphic, game screens
(title, credits, help, intermission), face in status bar, etc.

The quality is still poor by Y2K standards, but worth
a look if you're a fan of "the Good Doctor".

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FarlieA said:

Anyone working on these... I'm tired of sci-fi scenarios :-(

As a matter of fact I'm putting together a 5-level hub for ZDooM than could be described as techno and techno-medieval. Not quite Aztec temple or pyramid, one of the levels is meant to be a temple of sorts (hence the name "Temple of the Ancients"). The first 2 levels in the hub are strictly techno, but not really "sci-fi". One of the levels, aptly named "Valhalla", may fit your Vikings theme. The other level, named "Krakatoa", .... well, see for yourself when the hub gets out.

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Guest FarlieA
Sparky said:

Proposal for new Dr Who Total conversion
32 Levels.
New Weapons
Sonic Scredriver - Pistol
Unit Mk 1 - Shotgun replacment( bu sort of sub machine gun)
Cyber Blaster - Super shotgun
RPG - Rocket Launcher (Remberance of the Dealks gave me the idea!)
Delak Ray - Plasma Rifle
( Hand of Omega - BFG but dosent use ammo? Of course with Edge this might become a collectible that acts as weapons power booster if that possible...)
Baseball Bat - Chainshaw...

Have to collect time rings as well as
Amour/Health bonuses which dont count to items%

Replace Doom Logo with a Diamond Dr Whom one...

Exit to levels are also the tradis...

Possible Level names:
Coal Hill School
Trotter's Yard
Devil's End church
The Crypt
Cyber Tomb
Skaro Bunker ( ISTR an Wolfenstien level might work..)
Terra Alpha
Unit HQ.

New Monsters:
Delak - Hevay Wepon Dude
Cyberman -Imp
Cyber Leader
Auton- Advanced Imp

Any others I haven't mentioned...

The Master.... (Watch out for those eyes.!!!)

Enhacments made possible by Edge
8 Doctors in multiplayer-
Have differing wepons types for differing doctors?(Not sure if possible..)
Must have Briggader Lethbridge Stuart with his wepaonry...

Other Ideas anyone... Or anyone prepared to do a 32 level Dr Who conversion? Maybe more...


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It's a bad idea to base any unofficial conversion for a game on a copyrighted property, especially a property owned by the Murdoch empire. Unless you like being sued of course.

Some interesting facts...

Soon after Justin Fisher's Aliens TC came out, Fox ordered various sites to get rid of it. Shortly afterwards, an official Aliens game was announced (and it was crap)

Soon after a Buffy TC for Quake 2 was announced, they were ordered to cease and desist. Shortly afterwards, an official Buffy game was announced (and it will probably be crap). The project does, however, carry on under a different name, but with none of the TV characters, names or locations (kinda pointless really).

In short, if you want to make a conversion, either have it be in the same "universe" as the game it's for, say that it is "inspired" by a certain film or whatever, or best of all, do something totally original.

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FarlieA said:

What the heck is a Delak?

BTW, you're missing the Daleks from the list...


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Guest FarlieA

Obviously I KANT SPEL

Thanks for pointing out my mistake!!

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Guest FarlieA

It's a bad idea to base any unofficial conversion for a game on a copyrighted property, especially a property owned by the Murdoch empire. Unless you like being sued of course.

Some interesting facts...

Soon after Justin Fisher's Aliens TC came out, Fox ordered various sites to get rid of it. Shortly afterwards, an official Aliens game was announced (and it was crap)

Soon after a Buffy TC for Quake 2 was announced, they were ordered to cease and desist. Shortly afterwards, an official Buffy game was announced (and it will probably be crap). The project does, however, carry on under a different name, but with none of the TV characters, names or locations (kinda pointless really).

In short, if you want to make a conversion, either have it be in the same "universe" as the game it's for, say that it is "inspired" by a certain film or whatever, or best of all, do something totally original.

So It lloks like I'll have to ditch the Dr Who idea then :-(

Same goes for Labaryinth.... :-(

Oh well.

But Vikings, Phantoom, or Romans still stand.

The other Idea I was thinking of doing was to a Wolfenstien type TC but with a Cold War (rather than WWII) storyline and graphics.

Of course I can think of several storylines...

Any other suggestions for TC or Levels?


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I can't think of any Doom levels that are actually in a modern day setting, apart from crap ones based in people's homes, offices and schools.

I'd really like to see some levels that are set nowadays, whether it be in a city, a factory, a military base, or whatever.

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Have you played Don's Challenge?
I remember that was a lot of fun, with a modern storyline.
I can't remember if the maps were also modern architecture.
I don't think they were now that I think of it.

It's by the same author as ActionDoom, Immoral Conduct, etc.

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FarlieA said:

I'm pretty sure some of the source ports even allow you to change a player's skin between levels/hubs. Imagine a single-player episode where each level you play a different doctor!!!!

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