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Doom 3 technology test

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Does it strike anyone else as a cool idea to have a Doom III technology test released. It could be something simple, like a single room you can interact with, and check out bump mapping and lighting effects, or a non-interactive real-time movie that plays out like a 3DMark benchmark, so it can give us FPS and other information. It'd be an incredibly cool teaser for the game, not to mention give us enough time to save up for a computer upgrade if the test results are sketchy.

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I'm hoping they give us the map they showed at the closed doors presentation at E3, or at least some of the stuff they showed at QuakeCon. They've been showing pretty much the same material (bathroom scene, lowering bridge, zombieman) since MacWorld, it wouldn't surprise me if they put the same old stuff in their tech demo.

And yes, it will be immensely cool. I'll try spelling out my name on the bathroom floor with Pinky's blood...

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Lord FlatHead said:

And yes, it will be immensely cool. I'll try spelling out my name on the bathroom floor with Pinky's blood...

Heh, "Lord Flathead was here and wupped ass"

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I can't wait to play Doom 3, hell the tech test will saite my thirst for a few months

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The_Tonx said:

BTW, how long was the period between RtCW Test and RtCW?

Hmm, RtCW test 1 was out about two-three months before final, and the second test was out like a month before final release iirc.

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dsm said:

Hmm, RtCW test 1 was out about two-three months before final, and the second test was out like a month before final release iirc.

Well.. don't you think that the period might be almost same?

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What I had in mind wasn't a demo, but a technology test. It wouldn't be an actual level, with active AI, but a program that would show us the Doom3 engine, how it would look and run on our computers. Or maybe it would be the E3 movie, only not a prerender, but a demo that would actually run the scenes using the Doom3 engine on our computers. Of course, there could be some drastic upgrades between now and when the game's released, so things could change technology-wise.

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Eraserhead2416 said:

What I had in mind wasn't a demo, but a technology test. It wouldn't be an actual level, with active AI, but a program that would show us the Doom3 engine, how it would look and run on our computers. Or maybe it would be the E3 movie, only not a prerender, but a demo that would actually run the scenes using the Doom3 engine on our computers. Of course, there could be some drastic upgrades between now and when the game's released, so things could change technology-wise.

Noone was talking about a demo - I sure as Hell wasn't. I was talking about the RtCW tests (and yes, they WERE tests - a demo is less buggy and generally more polished).

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Eraserhead2416 said:

Or maybe it would be the E3 movie, only not a prerender, but a demo that would actually run the scenes using the Doom3 engine on our computers.

I'm sure it would be pretty easy then to figure out how to get into the game and actually start playing it. Unless The Carmack really doesn't want us to.

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The test should contain such a small SP level such as E3 level.we should see the "real" performance of our computer when monsters moving around in one room.

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