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Sparky said:

sparky please understand this fact NOBODY CARES!

people like you piss me off. If you read cybs first post that ling said that he would not cont the ghost sector the lings post that confirmed it you might under stand that it doesn't matter.

what do you think ghost sector means heres the diconary term for ghost:a spirt of some one who has died
so a ghost sector whould be trace eliments of a dead sector you dipstick it a nothing sector it does nothin it look like nothing and it is nothing in the right editor.

give up your to stupid to go on

ps ling should be bised because people support the free hissy project. FREE HISSY!

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Linguica said:

At the beginning I checked every WAD as it came in for compliance but I got sick of that pretty quickly.

As for bugfixes, the purpose of the contest wad to build a WAD in 30 days and then release the 32 WADs that the judges thought were the best. Tweaking the levels afterwards would sort of invalidate both the one-month time limit and the idea that the levels were judged to be the best. If this was a normal megawad project then of course tweaking the levels to be perfect would just fine, but it was a contest and the levels should be as-is. I think Map16 is unbeatable, at least the version I put into the WAD... I might offer a revised version to fix that.

Okay, granted, a bug-fixed re-release of 10sector.wad would kind of invalidate the results of the competition, but what about this for an idea...

allow the authors themselves to send you updated versions which we can load together with the original wad. For example, Michael Niggel has already released a repaired version of map16. If he'd actually used map16 instead of map01 then we could use:
boom -file 10sector tek10

Obviously, it's a trivial matter for us to edit tek10.wad to make it map16 instead of map01.

Perhaps Doomworld could host all these bugfixed wads.
call them 10sfix##.wad where ## is the map number.
For example, tek10.wad which replaces map16 would be called 10sfix16.wad and load it with:
boom -file 10sector 10sfix16

Here's a sample readme template I've come up with.

Is there any interest at all in this idea?
I'd especially like to see difficulty settings used in all the maps, and the few mapping bugs fixed.


Doomworld's 10 Sector Contest Megawad #1 - Bugfixes

This is a series of wads designed to fix bugs in the original release of 10sector.wad

Main wad : 10sector.wad
Map number : Map16
Map name : Mercurial X
Filename : 10sfix16.wad
Original map author : Michael Niggel twicerisen@hotmail.com
Bugfix author/s : Michael Niggel twicerisen@hotmail.com

Description of fixes : repaired the door that wouldn't open to
the blue key ledge.

How to use this wad : Use a 100% Boom compatible source port,
and load this wad AFTER the 10 Sector
For example: boom -file 10sector 10sfix16

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StroggOnMeth said:


instructions to find out how many sectors the map uses:
download DETH 2.42
load the wad using deth (deth -file <wadfile.wad>)
go into the level editor (command: e 10)
press F10 and select "Check references and delete unused objects"
Press y when it tells you that there are unused sectors and asks you if you would like to delete them. THEN COUNT THE SECTORS.


(pedantic git mode on)
'Ere Steve, I think you mean 4.24, not 2.42. :-)

(pedantic git mode off)
Well, I often have trouble with unused sectors -- I remember on one of my TOJ levels I had cut a large part out of it (that I utterly hated) and had forgotten to clean up. Then I found that my nodes were all over the place when I compiled and that there were about 150 totally unused sectors, which was taking up a bit too much space for my liking.

NB: for those who don't know it, you can get 4.24 at:

Well, there's my semi-relevant comment of the week. :-)

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