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Textures avaible soon

Guest BMAN17

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Guest BMAN17

I was working on a Hexen Total Conversion, but realized that it is to much work for one person. However insted of asking someone to help me I decided to scrap it. In this TC I was using various textures from Half-Life "Excellent FPS" and well be uploading all the half-life textures and more if they can be extracted.

I well upload all textures in BMP format so they can be put into doom or any other doom-like game of your choice.

P.S I think this is a good idea because I never saw any half-life textures avaible. Would be a excellent choice for a ZDOOM TC because of all the features ZDOOM Carries.

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Guest BMAN17

The textures are now in the incoming dir on cdrom.com. The address is:


There are 77 textures in total:

57 tex
20 flats

All in BMP format so you can take what you want.

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BMAN17 said:

P.S I think this is a good idea because I never saw any half-life textures avaible. Would be a excellent choice for a ZDOOM TC because of all the features ZDOOM Carries.

Check out Valve.wad by Chris Pisarczyk AKA ChrisDragon. It is a single level that contains many Half-Life textures, and has ZDooM features.


Check out my Paranoia.wad, which uses Chris' textures/flats, and enemies, weapons, and other sprites by Cyb. It extensively uses ZDooM features.


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BMAN17 said:

The textures are now in the incoming dir on cdrom.com. The address is:


There are 77 textures in total:

57 tex
20 flats

All in BMP format so you can take what you want.

You can't download from /incoming I'm afraid, so next time I suggest waiting for something to get to /newstuff before announcing it :|

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Guest BMAN17

Sorry about that, this is my first time uploading a file to the cdrom.com archive. I didn't know that you can't download from the incoming dir :(

UPDATE: hltctex.zip now avaible in /newstuff

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