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New Edge Wad

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I have uploaded a new Edge wad with two maps, called The Lost One (lstone.zip). Map01 is a Quake style start map where you select the skill level. Don't skip it though, because you'll need to gather some much needed supplies before you tackle Map02.

Since you can't save, I tried to add some extra ammo and health in Map02 but it is still hard. It is doable though.

The maps really show off the 3D ability of Edge. When you look at Map02 you may wonder if it really is Doom. It feels more like Quake to me. Map02 is massively 3D so it may run slow on some systems. On my PII 300 (NT 4.0) it runs fine.

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Guest c-d-w


You like stealth monsters don't you!

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Guest Fanatic

SWEET and well done sir!!

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