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I finished one doom map, and I would like some feedback on it. Download it here:

It's for Doom2 map01 and a source port that can handle new sprites and flats without deusf is recommended.

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Guest Stealthy Ivan

I will download it and give it a try....

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Guest Stealthy Ivan

I played your level. Well, your design is cool and your level is very detailed. There was only one problem that I seen, it needed more items,guns,ammo,and enimies. But over all, it was good. You get a little more practice, and I wouldnt mind having you as a team member..!
my teams web page

Stealthy Ivan

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I thought I'd make it so that the player isn't overloaded with ammunition and health, but rather what you get, you use. I was able to play it just fine on UV, but then again I knew what's coming. Maybe I should tweak them skill levels though... and add some decoration. Anyway this is going to be the first level of a some kind of small episode, and probably it is going to get improved more or less.

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Pretty good for a first map, you put quite a bit of time into it.
I agree with other poster that you can do some more with it, there is plenty of area to use, in terms of a bit more fighting
and resources (weaps, ammo). But on the other hand, it's refreshing not to have another fight on your hand every time you turn a corner.

Only problem I had was wishing I could find just one medikit when I was about half way through the play, found lots later when I did not need as much.

Thanks for the fun, keep at it.

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I just downloaded it, and as soon as i will have tried it, I will send you my comments, as usual!

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For a first Map, it's a cool job!
Well designed architecture, textures without any misalignement, gameplay well thought, ammos very well balanced(if you dare to fight the demons with your only little fists...)
The only error I have noticed is that one linedef appear on the
automap without necessity (linedef 286)
To finish, I shall say that there is not enough decorations, and
no lightings at all : what a pity! And I agree with Biffy for the health!
I send you the full comments by email.

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