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Guest Templar

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Guest Templar

Here is the first level I've made in about 3 years.
the Cult Pit.
what do you think of it?


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I think it's quite good, I had a lot of fun with it. It was
tough to get past the barons when you first get to the red river, I had to finish the last one with the chainsaw. Then action picked up but there was enough weaps and ammo and health to rip up some serious monster meat. Couldn't handle the cyberdemon, had to rush by him into the halls. Nice touch. Then the plasma laid waste to all comers. Last fort of chaingunners, that was
great. Used their weaps on them, ran away for health, came back to finish the job. Thought I had them all (had to play without sound so no one at work would notice me), ran for the exit sign
and that last damn chaingunner got me in the back! Wahhh!!

Next time, I'll pump rockets into that fort. :) Good job. I really liked the changes in textures and such. Now a little
work with lighting for ambience...

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Guest Templar

Thanks for the comments much appreciated!

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