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Murderous Intent, coming soon!

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Yeah, it's coming soon. The seven level demo of Murderous Intent.

Designed with all sourceports in mind, this is truly a new challenge. Look for it soon!

Demo: Seven new levels, some new textures.
Finished, Full project: This will be 32 levels with new enemies, new textures, and hopefully more.

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Dashiva said:

I'm sure it's going to suck.

Actually, I've had some great comments from Alpha testers, most of which are quite well-known (Uh, I think. There were to me, anyway) in the scene.

Besides, if you play the Demo and thought it sucked, then you'd have to let me know, so I can change the offending bit for the full release.

Give me a break, I'm a newbie! ;)

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Dashiva said:

I'm sure it's going to suck.

Go to the URL in my sig, and find out.

It's a BETA BTW, so there's still a couple of things that need ironing out.

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Listen buddy, your wad looks like ANOTHER one of those looonngg wads which are over complicated and get boring quick. I just dont see the FUN in this wad of yours. But dont worry, alot of wads made these days are boring and look all the same. Just try to be more... original.

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Guest kristus
Bobo said:

Listen buddy, your wad looks like ANOTHER one of those looonngg wads which are over complicated and get boring quick. I just dont see the FUN in this wad of yours. But dont worry, alot of wads made these days are boring and look all the same. Just try to be more... original.

Yeah you wanker.

Murderous Intent rawks.

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Bobo said:

Listen buddy, your wad looks like ANOTHER one of those looonngg wads which are over complicated and get boring quick. I just dont see the FUN in this wad of yours. But dont worry, alot of wads made these days are boring and look all the same. Just try to be more... original.

Overcomplicated? I'm sorry, but my levels seem LOTS smaller than your average WAD nowadays.

Boring? Surely, not. That's why I put in so many monsters ;)

As for 'original'... that's much easier said than done. Why don't YOU do something original, huh? >:)

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boris said:

Work faster! I want to see the rest of the levels ASAP :P

Heh, actually there's going to be a problem there...

I just got a mail from Graphic-State, about some Gameboy Advance game.... etc...

Heh, I'm going to have to make time. Must kill friends... time wasters... :p

Heh heh heh.

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deadnail said:

Fuck, now *THAT'S* optimism!

Ahem, actually it was pessimism.

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Jayextee said:

Heh, actually there's going to be a problem there...

I just got a mail from Graphic-State, about some Gameboy Advance game.... etc...

Heh, I'm going to have to make time. Must kill friends... time wasters... :p

Heh heh heh.


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