Lazer Posted May 24, 2001 First of all, don't flame me for asking for help. Last time I asked I got some responses, so it isn't impossible to get help. I have one person working with me right now, and I know there is someone else that said they could help... (Astewart41, you know who you are) Now, for a little background information... Underworld will be a 32 level replacement with about as much conversion as STRAIN, so I guess you can call it a TC. Its theme goes from Earth, to space, to hell... and it keeps a steady, but incomplete storyline. Right now I'm looking for: -Someone who can make good levels. -Someone who can make good textures. -Someone who can make good music. -Beta testers, or people who can test and give ideas. If you are interested in helping with anything above, email me with some of your work (unless you are testing), and if your work is good enough, I'll send you the Information.doc. (unless you are testing) Thanks EDIT: My email address is on my website (below) or you can reply. 0 Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted May 24, 2001 I'll help you with levels, if you make some levels for my project. (Link below) ;) Because, that's probably the only way to get any help. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lazer Posted May 24, 2001 I do like your levels... Well maybe in a little bit. Right now I'm busy with Dark Arena. Once I'm done with that I need to finish up levels 7, 9, and 10 (unless I get help) for Beta 3. Then I can make a level for your project (I still have to make levels for my project). So it would be like a level for a level... I guess that could work... 0 Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted May 24, 2001 Lazer said:Right now I'm busy with Dark Arena Bleh. I wish I was. It's been nearly two weeks since I faxed the signed NDA to them and I've not heard a thing... 0 Share this post Link to post
Lazer Posted May 24, 2001 Did you keep constant chat with the guy? That's what I did, but I'm still not sure why they didn't contact you... 0 Share this post Link to post
Astewart41 Posted May 25, 2001 Yes, Laser. I'd love to help, I just need to know whatcha need, I'm sorry I never really had a chance to contribute, I'm sorta movin' back and forth, back and forth between households and only one of them has the software I need. (DoomEd, DoomCad, Wintex, Doom2 1.9 and EDGE). Just tell me how I can help, whether it be level building, or maybe storyboard type stuff since that's another thing I'm good at sorta. As for my levels I promised you, I'm nearing completion of the first hub (Level 7 is the end of the first hub) If you wish, I can send you the first 5 levels (Which I'm still working on the 5th, but it looks promising) before the end of the day today. <- Trust me, I put way too much time into making a SINGLE Map - I've been working on my project for a month at least now, and I've only got 5 levels done. I guess it would be easier if I had software on both computers. *LOL* But anyways, I'm sorry if I seemed ignorant about it. - Andy - 0 Share this post Link to post
Lazer Posted May 25, 2001 Ahhh... what do you mean hub? This isn't a zdoom only project... Also, 5 levels in a month? You must work really quickly... And could you send those levels? Thanks 0 Share this post Link to post
Astewart41 Posted May 25, 2001 You know how Hexen has "hubs", right? I plan to make my project "pseudo-hub based", in Hexen, you would have the ability to visit a level multiple times in order to accomplish more things in the level, which in turn would make more things available in future levels. In Doom, I want to give the player options to go to whatever level they want. But, you'd have to visit certain levels first in order to get to other ones. Only problem is, Hexen used a single map file that could be affected by actions the player takes in other levels. I'd have to use multiple Map files to do this. (Unless RTS would allow me to do otherwise?) As for my progress speed... I guess I get overly-tedious on a single level, and there's the lack of software at my other house, so I only get to work on it maybe 5-6 hours a week, making an exception to the weekends. ;) I'm going to send my current progress to you sometime today, but it may be a pain, because (I have Cory's permission) I'm using a modified ICD-DDF wadfile (Modified DDFs) that I just thought would be cool to touch up on, and it MIGHT take a while to send that, but I'll send it to you as soon as I fix 'er up a little more. (That'd be about... 8 PM my time) As for helping, I'd still be glad to contribute in anyway possible, I thought you said it was for ZDoom? Well, levels still wouldn't be a problem. Best of luck to ya in the meantime! 0 Share this post Link to post
Lazer Posted May 25, 2001 Yes Zdoom enhancements are allowed... as long as you include a normal version as well. The Zdoom version goes into the Zlevels.wad and the normal version goes into the Ulevels.wad. 0 Share this post Link to post
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