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Mac OS X Client Doom ports??

Guest Dragoth

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Guest Dragoth

My god! I actually saw a BSD port today! it got me thinking.. since OS X is BSD-based, are there any Mac OS X sourceports??

GLLegacy on my K6-2 is nice and all, don't get me wrong, but OS X just plain kicks @$$ !!!

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Not yet, but I heard about a Mac-native port that will come >this< summer. (Guess which)
Would be nice for me, because I would not have to use slow PC-emulations to run Dos-based source-ports on my Mac anymore.
BTW: It would better to write the Mac-port not for OSX only, because OS8.6 or OS9 (which I run) are fine, too.

Once you see a G3 or G4 with OS9 or X running, you will forget about all those crappy Plutonium-PCs in no time. IBM-compatibles are the worst computers ever made. (sorry!)

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Guest Dragoth

You sure don't have to tell me... I'm running a G3 400 with 9.04 and OS X DP4.

I had the Win2000 beta 3 on my Pee Cee a while ago.. no comparison whatsoever. X rocks big time!

I'm also quite impressed with the dev tools in X... even though I can't code C++ worth dry spit. :)

I'm still waiting on that OS X port of Q3, too.... <sigh>

Click.. wait.. Mmm - windows...

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I see, you are a Mc user like me. (revceive the special Mac-user handshake here).
Have thought about buying one of these used IBMs on ebay as an additional machine to run source-ports.I use to run dos-based source ports on a PC emulation called "VirtualPC". But its performance is far different from native MacDoom, even though my machine is not the slowest (graphite G4/400).
Hey, try out the WAD "Kill!Zone" which I "reviewd" in the Wads-section here some days ago (Message-title "Kill!Zone". It will rock you down!

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Guest Dragoth

Yeah.. I have a B&W G3.. and a homebuilt K6-2 350 overclocked to 366 (in summer) or 450 (in winter) :)

I use VPC also on the G3.. speed isn't too bad, and it doesn't f*ck up as much as a real Pee Cee. 224MB RAM helps also, i guess. (no VM for me)

I shall try out Kill!Zone.. and get the latest Doom ports, too... my HD crashed for the 3rd time, and it was a Quantum, too!! oh well.. click.. wait.. win98 :>

() Dragoth ()

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There are funny things you can do with a PC-emulation: Just tell a friend you where able to run Photoshop and install Windows 98 on the same machine at the same time - he will call you foolish.

Have you tried out running the Dos-version of Legacy at 600x800 and what are your experiences with framerates?

Can you run the Dos-version of ZDoom? I have tried, but when I start ZDoom my emulation freezes shortly after starting the game.

Well, the Legacy-team has plans to compile their port for the Mac (I do not think they will hate me for speaking about it loud). If you are a coder, go offer them your help. I just cannot handle AppleScript :-)
The Legacy Team has not only done an excellent job with their port (I use to run it on Emulation since one year), they actually think about non-PC users.

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Guest Dragoth

Better yet.. run VPC, MacBOCHS, PCx AND photoshop at the same time. then tell your buddy you were installing Win2K, Linux RedHat, BeOS R5 intel AND running photoshop!! :) He'll call you INSANE!! :p

About Doom Legacy @ 800x600... Ow. yep.. even on my K6-2. 640x480 is the highest i will dare on that thing, but usually run it at 320x200, cuz its doom.. the way it was meant.

as for the dos version of zDoom... I seem to recall having problems with zdoomdos.exe in both emulation and on the k6. Zdoom 95 i think works fine... at least it does on my pee cee.

I was introduced to Doom Source Ports by doom legacy, so i hold it quite dear to my heart. Sure, JDoom looks neat on my K6, until an enemy fires, that is, but Legacy and GLLegacy are really my favs. If what you say is true, I cannot wait!! Go legacy! I'd help if I could, but I do not know anything useful about coding. Just that YOU GUYS SHOULD MAKE IT CARBONIZED!!! HINT HINT!! :p yeah.. anywho.. that'd be an OS X port there if they linked & compiled under Carbon. I wonder if they even read these forums... hmm...

Oh Well


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I think they should not set the entry-hardware requierments to high, many Mac-users are still sitting on their pre G3/G4 Macs, which are really enjoyable compared with a PC. Legacy for Dos runs on a 486 and higher. Maybe an entry-class of a 601 Prozessor would be right.
Hey: Did you tried out the Mac Heretic port by Brad oliver, available here at Doomworld´s Port Section? It is the only Mac port there. You should download it, because Brad Oliver has not been reachable since months. It comes with the shareware iwad and cannot load addons unless you buy the commercial package "Heretic-Shadow of the Serpent Riders", but then it works with addons, too.
You could tell the Legacy team that you would die for a Mac-port, only to encourage them. I have asked another Mac-coder, who is very good in openGl-coding and he promised to help the team. I personally would send them tons of chocolate (if I would know their address).

You said: "zdoomdos.exe in both emulation", I guess the second emulation is "RealPC"?
Is RealPC faster in Doom than VPC? I heard there are problems with the sound?

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Guest Immortal
Peter Heinemann said:

Not yet, but I heard about a Mac-native port that will come >this< summer. (Guess which)
Would be nice for me, because I would not have to use slow PC-emulations to run Dos-based source-ports on my Mac anymore.
BTW: It would better to write the Mac-port not for OSX only, because OS8.6 or OS9 (which I run) are fine, too.

Once you see a G3 or G4 with OS9 or X running, you will forget about all those crappy Plutonium-PCs in no time. IBM-compatibles are the worst computers ever made. (sorry!)

I have been a loyal mac doomer since my first mac back in 1996 and I would kill for a mac source port! Even if it just removed all the limitations of doom. Is there any mac based source ports at all on the horizon? I'm sick of using VPC!

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Guest metzgermeister
Peter Heinemann said:

I can confirm the Legacy team has started work on an SDL version, which will also be ported to the Mac. The SDL version already runs on my Linux box, and now we have a new member which cares about the Mac specifics - mainly endianess things.

I know Jack about Mac processors but I expect it to run on entry-class machines. But no promise on that 8^)

Now what was that about the chocolate??? ;-)

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Have read the Legacy news.
I am down on my knees - thanks!
Will stop rumors - I promise. Much to much good news for me, after playing your fine port on this slow emulations with a poor hand full of frames per second. For the chocolate, what about chocolate space-marines like the chocolate-santas on x-mas? They would be much easier to produce than the Reaper pewter-miniatures. Or think about chocolate Cacodemons - mmmmmh.

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Guest Dragoth
Peter Heinemann said:

Nopers.. there is no second emulation. I have experienced sluggish performance in 800x600 ZDoom on my K6-2 366Mhz PC. Like I said.. either GL for doom or 320x240!!


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