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Doom3 could spell bad news...

Guest The Last Doomer

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Guest The Last Doomer

...for the exisiting community. Sure there was bickering, insulting and quite a few fights, but all and all the currently Doom community 'worked.'

With Doom3 ever complaining dead beat prick that played the Quake series is going to be joining and bastardizing everything. I saw Covaro over on Blue's news defending himself against some moron that felt the 'bandwagon' had just started rolling picking people up...the truth is, the bandwagon has already been rolling...and there's already plenty of old school doomers aboard. Once these new guys jump on, hell's gonna break loose. Mark my words.

I'm also gonna be watching to see if Doomworld can compete w/ the newer sites that easily have much more power, ie. planetdoom.com. It's going to be fierce. Best of luck though.

- The Last Doomer

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I for one will stick with this site no matter what happens. Cyb should get his ass in gear getting Doomnation back up...somehow. It may be a little easier to get hosting somewhere now. After all both Doomworld and Doomnation have a lot of history and committed people to bring to the table. That's an angle that should be worked for all it's worth.

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