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Perfect experience


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My idea of a perfect doom2000 experience:

You enter a level that takes place in a satanic temple. Mostly black just sparsly lit by candlelight. After proceeding through loosely guarded hallways at first, then into wider, more heavily decorated and protected chambers later, you come to the final hallway. It ends with a small door and into a circular room with a slightly higher ceiling than the rest of places in the temple. It is almost dark except for the center of the far wall. There is a table in the center of the room with candles in skulls decorating the sides of it.

Looking beyond to the slightly brighter area at the far wall, you notice a tall, darkly cloaked figure leaning over another table with books and potions abound. You move closer and as you near the center table the figure whips around at you.

A loud shriek pierces the air! All aglow and larger than any other you've seen, you recognize your greatest fear come alive.

Its the Master Arch-Vile.

The table is thrown upwards into the ceiling of the room in an instant sweeping motion by the monster and you are slammed backwards through the entrance. He is rushing towards you now screaming in a forgotten language long banished from the mouths of humans. Somehow you must win. Its up to you to figure out how...

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Guest Sethsez

Now THERE is a final boss that id could be proud of! I just had an interesting experience: I went over to the Daikatana board at the official web site (I was having troubles with my 3D card okay?), and what I saw was sad. daKATNNA SUx1 HALFLIFE IS The BEsT GAM EVERRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! It was quite a change from the usual intelligent conversation found here. I just hope they don't invade us come Doom 3......

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Guest squint

Trent Reznor is a fucking genius. And I don't use that word very often when describing musicians. You can see where a non-genius got his inspiration from and understand how he makes his art, but you can't understand a genius or where he got his inspiration from. That's what sets geniuses apart from non-geniuses, in my opinion.

I have a feeling id Software will get Trent to do the music, but I'm kinda digging the idea of Bobby Prince and Trent collaborating. Bobby's Doom music had catchy melody lines that I don't think Trent would be brave enough to come up with. Whatever Trent does will rule though, no doubt; and if I had to choose between one or the other, it would definitely be Trent. Bobby's cool, but not THAT cool. :)

Matt "squint" Bovett
PlanetDiablo News Editor

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That was pretty cool to read, but why the master arch vile? Anyone ever heard of Satan? I can't understand why there have been so many Doom's and not one thing about Satan. I guess cuz people don't like him and shouldn't be games. Buut hey, Hitler shouldn't either.

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Guest Sethsez
squint said:

Trent Reznor is a fucking genius. And I don't use that word very often when describing musicians. You can see where a non-genius got his inspiration from and understand how he makes his art, but you can't understand a genius or where he got his inspiration from. That's what sets geniuses apart from non-geniuses, in my opinion.

I have a feeling id Software will get Trent to do the music, but I'm kinda digging the idea of Bobby Prince and Trent collaborating. Bobby's Doom music had catchy melody lines that I don't think Trent would be brave enough to come up with. Whatever Trent does will rule though, no doubt; and if I had to choose between one or the other, it would definitely be Trent. Bobby's cool, but not THAT cool. :)

Matt "squint" Bovett
PlanetDiablo News Editor

Yeah, Trent is definatly awesome. Have you seen the video for Happiness in Slavery? Now THAT is someone who could do Doom music! Unfortunatly, I don't know if id would allow it. id has made bad decisions ever since Romero left, and nome of their games have been good since he left, either. Hiring Trent to do the music would be the smartest thing id has done in years: let's start an e-mail campaign or something!

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Tawney said:

That was pretty cool to read, but why the master arch vile? Anyone ever heard of Satan? I can't understand why there have been so many Doom's and not one thing about Satan. I guess cuz people don't like him and shouldn't be games. Buut hey, Hitler shouldn't either.

Because Satan is portrayed too many different ways to be satisfactory looking in the end. The archvile is by far my favorite monster and Id love to see him made an even more important character in doom.

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