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But why wait???

Guest Aenima66

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Guest Aenima66

I remember back when Quake3 was still in the design stages. Around that time I saw an article in "PC Gamer" that had an interveiw dealing with their (Id Software) plans for games after quake3 was finished...
In the interveiw the guest mentioned that if Q3 didn't work out or when they finished it, they were likly going to remake doom.

Well, It's been a while,Q3 has been released. If you ever played Q3, you noticed that doom was mentioned in a number of places. This to me, is a confirmation of the above.

Personally, I don't want to wait for that or the game TCs featuring the original Doom, Doom2, and Ultimate Doom levels.

I have allready started building a new chapter of Doom for Half-Life. Hell... If I knew how, I'd use the Quake3 Engine. But I can't use it, so I'm stuck with Half-Life.

My version allready has a start on FIVE NEW EPISODES including "Return to Phobos", "The Mars Colony", and "Earth: Final Battle". I have plans to add AT LEAST 32 levels, 5 new weapon as well as the original weapons, and a "twisted" ending.

Unfortunatly, It takes work, But at least it will come out just how I want it. However, with the resources available, I can make a "Freeware" Doom3 for Half-Life wich won't require a 3D Card (as compared to Quake3).

Finally, I would like to have you know that I am looking for help. Right now, ANY help would be gladly accepted. And so far, this project is a "work-at-your-pace" or in other words "work when you feel up to it".


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Guest Grunt

im making a doom tc for Quake 3... I like your ideas if you want you can come help us out.


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