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DooM stuff

Guest nitro pup

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Guest nitro pup

well i too think that Id did a crap job on the maps, i think that the should look into some mappers from valve cause they did a MAAAD @$$ job on half-life! and for weapons, i think they should keep all the originals and give them all secondary fire and akimbo!! and add a few more weapons like throwing skulls or some scrolls that make you do things like ARCHVILES clasic fire thingy and or funny green balls of DEATH!! that would be sweeeeet! an dont forget about a totally interactive invironment.

music: i think that Id should get sonic mayhem to do somthing like the q2 sound track like tracks 4,6,7 and 9, they rocked! but with a gothic, latern spooky humm in the back ground. LIKE METALICA!!!!!! yephum !! they kick @$$. well thats it for now then.

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ID already hired a new mapper.

Not all the weapons could be akimbo. How could you carry a 150+ pound bfg in each hand, or pump two shotguns at once? Throwing skulls wouldn't be that effective although I admit it would be fairly macabre. Emitting a fire blast would be more like a spell, that's for Heretic, not Doom. Unless you consider a flamethrower but how good would a flamethrower be against a demon from hell?

Everyone wants a totaly interactive environment, although I sincerely doubt we'll see one for a good ten years. At this point in time everything still needs to be individually scripted, and unfortunately that's very time consuming. There was an engine like this at E3, though, but I don't know how long it will be until it's out.

I don't care who does the music because I know ID will get it right the first time. Sonic Mayhem and NIN both can do heavy and goth at the same time; either of them will perform perfectly.

As for Metallica, they haven't written a decent song since Unforgiven. Their latest shit single for MI2 makes me want to vomit.

Don't worry, D3 will certianly impress all of us. :)

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1) yes they did a crap job on maps (just look at e2m2, no strategy at all to beating it, and e1m9, what gives?). They ought to hire some of those guys who made "memento mori" and "memento mori 2" (some of that stuff almost looks real!).

2) Secondary firing capabilities are good like a pistol that can either shoot wildly of let you aim down the barrel or a high-powered and low powered setting for the plasma gun. But they should combine this with some other weapons from other Id games (like super shotgun and grenade launcher from q2). A grappling hook would be nice too (effectivly allowing a 20ft jump/climb).

3) You need to re-examine the story from the books (yes there is actually a set of novels based on the book, or is it the other way around?). The monsters aren't really demons but a bio-engineered army for a race of advanced aliens (made em' look like demons so people would cry mommy). I do agree that you should be able to pick up almost anything and use it as a weapon (like throwing skulls, would apply to throwing rocks too).
I had already proposed a "baron mode" in another post (you turn into an invulnerable baron for 1 minute that does double normal baron damage as weapons you control, fireball goes 2x fast too, catch is that you can only use these weapons during that time).
The archvile thingy would be cool but that means you'd be able to do so much more than that (psionic mind-powers?, making bfg blasts just by thinking... sounds bitter sweet).

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Guest nitro pup

well GDAMN!!! they are write when they say "there is always one that knows too much"
!!! well i learnt my lesson!! hehehe, yep well thanx for all that! but i still think the scrolls would be maad! cause they are like a hell, cult, strange sort of thing arnt they! yes indeed!! and at least some one likes the throwing skulls, yeah, lilke throwing rocks and bricks, humorus, phemor and so on! amagion a leg bone for the first weopon you find!! kinda like half-lifes crow bar and wrench! mmhmm!!

yeah, i know NIN and sonic mayhem could do the music sweet! and yes, metalicas last goos songs were unforgiven and until it sleeps but HEY!! they still could do it i think!

well DAA!! of course you wouldnt get akimbo on the bfg, rocket launcher and super shoty!!! well not untill you get BUSERKER mode!! that wroked!!

I think that when ya get buserker mode that all should become akimbo, and you shoold be able to jump extra high, run twice as fast and last but not least, SOME HEAVY ASS MUSIC COMES IN AND MAKES YA WANNA GO BUSERK ON THE NABERS ASS!!! HELL YEAH!!! oh and throwing skulls do 10 (wear is the stupid multiply key DAMN IT!!) well 10 fold in power!! and catch a light!! yeap!! what do ya have to say for that?

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of course doom's maps sucks in relation to Half-lifes maps... or no, they don't. Valve's maps looke better, but Doom's maps play muuuuch better, and what do you expect, HL came out..what... 6 or 7 years after doom?
I'm really not that impressed with HL's mapping job. It's ok. Truly good maps Come from ID, just take some time and look at all the details in Q3. now THAT is sweet

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Guest DeAD Stuff

you got right dead nail..... about everithing

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