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So theres still no statusbar...


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the videos show no indication of health besides the screen getting slightyly darker when hit and blood flying away from the player. otherwise we have the funny tunnel vision at the end. Still not status bar? is the lack of stuff just stylistic so that id can show off the raw engine? or maybe its still in its alpha stage and the stuff hasnt been implemented yet...

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the status might be not designed yet.
or they wouldn`t let the viewer know the health of player.so they will be surprised in the end of movie.

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The Legacy movie showed a wee tiny status display at the bottom left corner of the screen, so there will be a status display of sorts.

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Dark-tenshi said:

the status might be not designed yet.
or they wouldn`t let the viewer know the health of player.so they will be surprised in the end of movie.

Well. He probably used god mode until the very end :P

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Dark-tenshi said:

that sounds possible.what a n00b!

Yeah. I could've slayed that Hell Knight with a toothpick if i had to!

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In the leaked video you'll clearly see a tiny HUD in the lower left corner of the screen most of the time, and a (very faint) crosshair in the centre of the screen. Well, it wouldv'be been in the center if that guy would've held his damn camera at a steady angle.

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Lord FlatHead said:

In the leaked video you'll clearly see a tiny HUD in the lower left corner of the screen most of the time, and a (very faint) crosshair in the centre of the screen. Well, it wouldv'be been in the center if that guy would've held his damn camera at a steady angle.

I didn't know there was a chrosshair?!. Better check it out...Not that I have the video, ofcourse ;)

The StatusBar will probably be able to expand in the final game, so not to worry.

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Speaking of video,there are scenes that the marine activated keypad and some device.i noticed that he did holster his weapon before activating it (many people might spotted this already) .Maybe id might add pushing-button-hand animation later?(like DNF video)

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Dark-tenshi said:

Speaking of video,there are scenes that the marine activated keypad and some device.i noticed that he did holster his weapon before activating it (many people might spotted this already) .Maybe id might add pushing-button-hand animation later?(like DNF video)

They ought to add the hand animation or it will look odd, somehow. I sure hope you get to use the numpad manually, and the doomguy doesn't just punch it in. hmm. 123? what a great security code.

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Shaviro said:

They ought to add the hand animation or it will look odd, somehow. I sure hope you get to use the numpad manually, and the doomguy doesn't just punch it in. hmm. 123? what a great security code.

ACK! Having to remember codes like in DN3d? Sorry, but I don't like that idea at all.

Of course it depends on how they implement it.

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dsm said:

ACK! Having to remember codes like in DN3d? Sorry, but I don't like that idea at all.

Of course it depends on how they implement it.

it's a plus in interactivity.

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Yet another factor that seems to be detracting from the frantic blasting we know and love.

I'm starting to worry about D3.

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Spike said:

Yet another factor that seems to be detracting from the frantic blasting we know and love.

I'm starting to worry about D3.

I've been worried about DOOM III from the start. We can't expect to get the same game. What we CAN expect is to see a new version of it with up-to-date graphics and gameplay. It is up to the mod people to make an 'oldschool' doom mod.

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Xian said:

i didnt notice the status bar at all

it's there. just blurry. i never noticed it either until DSM mentioned it. i wish id had released an official 11 min video, then more things would be clearer.

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thanx everybody, now i see the crosshair, but im still unclear about the statussbar... are they still using numbers? I hope not but i cant tell

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Xian said:

thanx everybody, now i see the crosshair, but im still unclear about the statussbar... are they still using numbers? I hope not but i cant tell

I can only see a blurry hud. No numbers, afaik.

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Shaviro said:

it's a plus in interactivity.

I wouldn't give a shit about interactivity if the game's annoying as crap - I hated when in dn3d you had to punch in various different combinations for several minutes before you'd hit the right one.

Interactivity isn't everything - to me, Doom 3 could add little "new" in terms of advanced gameplay and still be the king of FPSs if they simply made the killing of monsters FEEL great through making the weapons and monsters right.

Interactivity is a nice thing but it isn't the most important thing about making a game great. One of the reasons why I think Q2 is the greatest id game after Doom 2 and before RtCW is that it feels great to use the weapons and kill the monsters, even though it adds little in terms of gameplay dynnamics.

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dsm said:

I wouldn't give a shit about interactivity if the game's annoying as crap - I hated when in dn3d you had to punch in various different combinations for several minutes before you'd hit the right one.

Ofcourse you wouldn't have to do that. You would know the code, or have to find it.

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I would take the approach that once you knew the code it would be used automaticly when you went to use the door/object that requied it. In Deus Ex it was a pain on some of the longer codes (5 or 6 digits) especialy when you had to use several codes in a row.

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Xzyl said:

I would take the approach that once you knew the code it would be used automaticly when you went to use the door/object that requied it. In Deus Ex it was a pain on some of the longer codes (5 or 6 digits) especialy when you had to use several codes in a row.

Or you have some sort of log that record the code once obtained, so that you could just pull it out when you need it.

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dsm said:

Or you have some sort of log that record the code once obtained, so that you could just pull it out when you need it.


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It's official : gamers are complete sissies even at what they're talented at. ;P

I hate it when people says "this detracts from the feel" and they haven't even played or seen conclusive footage of the game. Lately it seems players want some kind of auto-puzzle-aiming-travelling-jumping-dialogue-inventory system that dissects the game so much it turns into nothing but a "hit the mouse1 button when screen flashes".

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Zaldron said:

It's official : gamers are complete sissies even at what they're talented at. ;P

I hate it when people says "this detracts from the feel" and they haven't even played or seen conclusive footage of the game. Lately it seems players want some kind of auto-puzzle-aiming-travelling-jumping-dialogue-inventory system that dissects the game so much it turns into nothing but a "hit the mouse1 button when screen flashes".

People like to speculate, get used to it.

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Zaldron said:

It's official : gamers are complete sissies even at what they're talented at. ;P

I hate it when people says "this detracts from the feel" and they haven't even played or seen conclusive footage of the game. Lately it seems players want some kind of auto-puzzle-aiming-travelling-jumping-dialogue-inventory system that dissects the game so much it turns into nothing but a "hit the mouse1 button when screen flashes".

YAY. Someone who agrees...I think ;)

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