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What if Quake4 turns out better than Doom3?


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Tetzlaff said:

Maybe the Stroggs are descendants from humans (or humanoid alien races) who became obsessed with cyborg technology until they merged themselfes [uuhmm... grammar?] into a new kind of cyborg race.

My idea on that part: After having his plans thwarted by Ranger (the Quake 1 dude) the demi-god'ish monster fled to our universe (but lightyears away from Earth) and arrived on Stroggos. There he and the remnants of his wretched armies used stolen human tech to create a new type of cyborgs - the first Stroggs. Quake used the last of his powers and sacrificed himself and his minions to create a self-thinking, intelligent race of cyborgs. The first stroggs were primitive compared to what they would eventually evolve into, but they constructed factories and quickly captured almost all living beings on Stroggos and created new horrific Stroggs - the Strogg army was growing and evolving...

That would be my take on it. But the human descendant thing is a neat idea too.

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Tetzlaff said:

Maybe the Stroggs are descendants from humans (or humanoid alien races) who became obsessed with cyborg technology until they merged themselfes [uuhmm... grammar?] into a new kind of cyborg race.

well, i thought aliens is just small wormlike lifeform wich required bodies (any kind, human race is just a material for new modernizations and types... they could clone and add some mechparts... all other humans are just a meat/fuel for these things)...

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dsm said:

My idea on that part: After having his plans thwarted by Ranger (the Quake 1 dude) the demi-god'ish monster fled to our universe (but lightyears away from Earth) and arrived on Stroggos. There he and the remnants of his wretched armies used stolen human tech to create a new type of cyborgs - the first Stroggs. Quake used the last of his powers and sacrificed himself and his minions to create a self-thinking, intelligent race of cyborgs. The first stroggs were primitive compared to what they would eventually evolve into, but they constructed factories and quickly captured almost all living beings on Stroggos and created new horrific Stroggs - the Strogg army was growing and evolving...

well, i think that q1 and q2 have just one thing income: the name Quake...

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I remember once I had the idea of a story that linked all (well the well known ones) id games together,Keen,Wolf3D,Doom,Quake,Quake2,Quake3 in one giant saga, the idea got off to a decent start, I had reasons to link them together, but it got a little stretched, so I dropped the idea, I didn't write much of it down, and what I did write I have since lost.

Basically, since according to id anyway, Billy "Commander Keen" Blaze was B.J Blazkowitz's grandson. So that was the basis of it, the opening was how BJ escapeded wolfenstein. and lived happily ever after, then Keen turned up, had his adventures and so forth, I made Keen's nemesis Mortimer into the guy eventually known as "Quake" and a lot of other little ways to tie the other games up. I never finished it though, but I had my own idea of what dsm said about quake escaping his defeat and and moving to stroggos. That was my idea anyway.

Quake 4 may still tie the quake series up though, we don't know for sure, hopefully we'll get some Q4 stuff at Quakecon.

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Yeah, a little bit of info on Q4 would do nicely - I don't expect screenshots until after Doom 3 is out.

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Q4 is clouded in mistery.. and it would be cool if we would get some info of it.. the only thing we have is the name.. the developer.. the engine.. and the concept picture.

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Q4 is clouded in mistery.. and it would be cool if we would get some info of it.. the only thing we have is the name.. the developer.. the engine.. and the concept picture.

The concept pic is quite a lot imo - it gives me plenty ideas as to how much cooler the old stroogs are going to look in the new game.
With Doom 3 they didn't release a single concept sketch until the Doom 3: The Legacy movie.

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Q4 is clouded in mistery.. and it would be cool if we would get some info of it.. the only thing we have is the name.. the developer.. the engine.. and the concept picture.

Raven is developing it.

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bigbadgangsta said:

Raven is developing it.

It's in going to use the doom3 engine.

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Dammit, I want a new Heretic or HeXen, or better yet, both!

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DooMBoy said:

Dammit, I want a new Heretic or HeXen, or better yet, both!

I believe that they'll make at least another HeXen game at some point(otherwise Zaldron will zap off to the Raven Software offices with a very large axe), but they're doing Q4 now and it's going to be great I'm sure.

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DooMBoy said:

Dammit, I want a new Heretic or HeXen, or better yet, both!

I don't. Those games blew, imo. (I know i'm one of the only people who think that, so it must be me who is strange.)

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Shaviro said:

I don't. Those games blew, imo. (I know i'm one of the only people who think that, so it must be me who is strange.)

You just don't like goth - there are people who don't like sci-fi and who probably think that Doom and Quake 2 blew bigtime.

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dsm said:

You just don't like goth - there are people who don't like sci-fi and who probably think that Doom and Quake 2 blew bigtime.

I know. That's why i wrote that stuff in the ()'s

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Fredrik said:

I think they should go back to Quake(1)'s brown style for Q4. Seriously.

'Nuff said.

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Just discovered this thread for the first time (it's been around for a while so how I missed it is beyond me)... anyway, I posted something on the Doomcenter forums last night that might be of interest in the context of this thread:

It occured to me not so long ago that every Raven game since Heretic 2 has been rather formulaic. <insert intro mission that you don't really need to play to understand story> <insert in-game cutscene that describes the story> <mission after linear mission> <end game> "What? What a rip-off that was! I'm never buying another Raven game again! OOOH, lookie here, Raven's doing another license! I WANT I WANT I WANT!"

I have a big feeling that Q4's going to be a let-down for that reason...

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Wouldn't it be cool if quake 4 would top doom 3 and be based on a gothic style similar to quake 1, I mean personally I thought doom was babyish and quake 1 was the shit, the atmosphere and the music was scary, doom would be all out shooting, not my style...doom 3 will be a refresing change but again I wish it was not that cheap ass sci-fi cauase somehow I feel the demons are a mis-fit there...anyways...all a matter of personal opinion just wanting to know what you people think...Trent Reznor doind music for Doom3..excellent(remember the errie sound of quake 1??)

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doomedout said:

Wouldn't it be cool if quake 4 would top doom 3 and be based on a gothic style similar to quake 1, I mean personally I thought doom was babyish and quake 1 was the shit, the atmosphere and the music was scary, doom would be all out shooting, not my style...doom 3 will be a refresing change but again I wish it was not that cheap ass sci-fi cauase somehow I feel the demons are a mis-fit there...anyways...all a matter of personal opinion just wanting to know what you people think...Trent Reznor doind music for Doom3..excellent(remember the errie sound of quake 1??)

No, that wouldn't be cool at all.
What the Hell are you doing here if you think that Doom is babyish?

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I don't think Quake 4 will best Doom III, given raven's recent track record. (outcast, sof, sof2, ect) It's not that there bad games as such, it's just that there level design bites. I Wich is a shame. Hexen had some of the coolest level design for a doom engine I've seen in a wile.

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Look DSM, think objectively not subjectively which is hard to do for a hard core doom fan, no one can deny dooms supreme influence on the gaming industry, whn i First played it i was so overwhelmed i turned it off the minute i killed some demon ass, but having said that the way it was made it came across as slightly babyish, which again is not the end of the world, so relax...doom 3 WILL cater to my taste though because it is more atmospheric and the shadows and bumpmapping look awesome and the dynamic lighting out of this world, but as a gamer, would you not want an EVEN better game by Raven in the form of Quake 4?????
I wish again that quake 4 will be as gothic and as mindblowing as quake 1
VIVA id!!!!

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wtf do you mean by babyish? Would you have preferred "Sci-fi 5-billion: The Umpteenth Return Of The Pissed Off Aliens" to the demonic references?

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it was...ADMIT IT...ur little baby brother was laughing to it throughout...these girl scout cookie girls that came to ur house the other day thought it was cute

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Admit what? That you have cooties? Come on, tell everyone exactly what you thought was babyish about it and see if everyone agrees with you.

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I have to admit that I can't see the babyish part of Doom at all. Most of the girls I knew who had seen Doom were scared shitless of it.

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dsm said:

I have to admit that I can't see the babyish part of Doom at all.

If he's referring to the relative infancy of game 3D technology at the time, he prolly thinks Wolf3D was unborn-baby-ish... :P

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Yeah, in fact it was not as much babyish as it was cartoonish, People was laughing when they saw the demonss, and at first i used to defend it being a doom fan, but when i look deep inside, ITS FOR KIDS, the imp is cute, i could hug the cyberdemon, and the revenants look like goldilocks, c'mon guys admit it, although the archville gave me some incentive to play doom 2,


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