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what may spoil doom3

Guest doomgod12345

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Guest doomgod12345

ok maney of u i see have got your hopes up, but doom3 will not fit every one and here are a few things that would spoil it for new players.

spirit monsters all new shooters use 3d new players will not think about doom3 if they hear it still uses spirits

the same old guns ok i think they should keep a few of the old ones but add new ones not just 1 like doom2

new monsters ok i feel they should keep many of the old ones but i also think they should add a few new ones

scripted stuff ok i think it is very good i liked it in half-life and think doom3 should have them

keep it simple yea i hate complex puzzels like in tombraider they just make me hate the game

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Your drunk. #1: DooM3 will not use SPRITES {as you notice, its called sprite, not spirit.} #2, everyones already said the same crap 2000000 times, but spelled better....

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I've heard of "settle down" and "chill out", but never have I heard "chill down" hehe

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