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How does the Doom guy carry so much? Solved!


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I always wondered this, and it's the case with pretty much every FPS there is.

But the recent Voyager: Elite Force game actually explained it: weapons, equipment, etc are stored in a personal "transporter buffer".

Now, this doesn't exactly fit into the established Doom universe (hell, it doesn't even seem to fit in with the established Star Trek universe, but then a lot of stuff in Elite Force doesn't :) ), but it would be cool if ID come up with a similar solution (perhaps a micro-dimensional gateway or something? =p)

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Guest Kaopectate

I have a really easy explanation, even though it doesn't really fit to DooM 2...


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BFG and rocket launcher strapped to back, has pistol in his pochet, chaingun in one hand, the shotgun in the other, and the plasma gun is in his back-pack, along with all his ammo. The chainsaw is strapped to his leg, and his dbsg is strapped to the other. There, and he defenintally able to walk too...

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Guest TossMonkey

Ummm I reckon that its all done by magic!!! Hes not even on earth on the first game so its not going to be a simulation!!

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No, it isn´t less gravity (and I really hope Doom III will not be just a space opera)...maybe he has cybronic implants, so he can carry more guns, run faster and jump higher than normal? :)

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Guest nothing

he has a cart he pushes around with all his weapons in it

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Guest Kaopectate
Tetzlaff said:

No, it isn´t less gravity (and I really hope Doom III will not be just a space opera)...maybe he has cybronic implants, so he can carry more guns, run faster and jump higher than normal? :)


I think you mean Cybernetic.

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Guest Erick20
TossMonkey said:

Ummm I reckon that its all done by magic!!! Hes not even on earth on the first game so its not going to be a simulation!!

no, no, no.... he has a slave with him like in that movie; "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"!

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You are forgetting one thing though!

Even if there is less gravity, there is still the issue of volume - that's right.

The same reason why you can't hold a 5-foot wide beach ball very well is the same reason why Flynnie should not be able to carry all that crap.

Also, even though it is low gravity, it still has mass and it takes force to move mass. This means that Flynn can't exactly turn on a dime or slow down really fast if he get's running.

Fully Loaded the bastard would look like a metallic cube!
(hmm... where'd I put that bfg <he already has it>)

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Guest Acid One

He has a big and badass UAC backpack.

Buy yours today at a Walmart near you!

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Guest DoomManiac

Uh, how about we just say that it is a game and just leave it be. I have tried to think through some game quirks and they just mess with your head. ;)

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Guest Intestinalworm
Tetzlaff said:

I think it wasn´t really hs slave, but his "horse".

Maybe UAC backpacks are a sort of techno "bag of holding"

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Guest fraggle`

BFG = Big Folding Gun

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