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Well, I have decided


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Well, since my drawings were stolen, instead of staying mad my whole life, and become a phsyco, I decided to re-draw AND SCAN my best of pictures. In time, I will eventually Have re-drew ALL of them, but for now, only my favs.

I am also going to try REAL hard on these drawings, and try to make them look 13056346x better. If you knew how good I drew, I assure you, that you would know how dissapointed, and pissed, and full of boiling rage I am... I want to break his neck.
~The End~

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Guest Kaopectate

umm...first of all..who stole them? why would you publish original copies of artwork which u have no proof of drawing or backup copy? who cares? what does it have to do with doom3? and y do we have to hear about YOUR personal life..that's stuff for IRC or general (with the exception of deadnail cuz he tells good stories :) )

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dammit why do I keep getting fans? What am I doing wrong?

Oh, and as for you Jeremy, if they're Doom 3 related Godspeed to you. Personally, I can appreciate the art of a 5 year old when compared to some of the jaded 40 something 'modern' people who dare to call themselves artists.

It's really all about the concept and execution, it's got jack and shit to do with content matter. How the hell am I supposed to appreciate a big yellow triangle on a fucking yellow square?! I know I'm tryin' to cut back on the swearing but JESUS CHRIST, why in the everloving HELL did that piece of shit sell for THREE MILLION DOLLARS?!

God I need a few thousand cc's of morphine with a clorox chaser to wash it in.

That alone is enough of a concept to deal with aside from the 5+ spams a day I get from pr0n sites. I swear to God if I ever see a spammer I'm going to eviscerate his damn fingers apart with a garden weasel. Maybe Hitler was right... some people are just so inherently IDIOTIC they should be eradicated for the good of humanity. Jews are fine, though. We need to get rid of spammers, l33t h4x0rz, Ion Storm, and Democrats. Ahh... the tranquility of that thought washes in like the reality numbing fire of blue label Popov.

What the hell am I talking about?

Oh yeah, it's the weekend, so I might as well type some retarded post that 2 people are going to read... including me.

Hmm, that reminds me, I never got around to doing Turok 2... did I? Oh, what a shame. It's still laying in my ashtray. Oh well, it's just an N64. When an emulator that works decently comes out I'll buy a camcorder and show you all just what a double barrelled shotgun can do to a ten pound piece of plastic. =)

Remember kids, guns don't kill people.
Not using Fed-Ex kills people.
God I hate today's commercials. What ever happened to creativity?

I think I need to rant off a few pages of vehement disgust. Maybe later.

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I know the feeling and wish I could do something. I remember one I was drawing a whole new monster sprite and before I could get the storyboard (initial large picture where multiple small pictures are placed and developed) seperated and saved into individual files, THE DAMN POWER WENT OUT!!!

I lost 2 hours of work and a very interesting concept and I was pissed off like no tomorrow. I did take another crack at it but the end result looked only about 1/3 as good as the lost one.
*Did you back up your files or did he get those too?
*Was the theft physical (did he actually get the disk)?
*If it's that guy who keeps hacking your website, then change addresses or passwords (otherwise he'll keep doing this over and over again, who knows? maybe he'll even copyright some of your work in his name)

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Kaopectate said:

umm...first of all..who stole them? why would you publish original copies of artwork which u have no proof of drawing or backup copy? who cares? what does it have to do with doom3? and y do we have to hear about YOUR personal life..that's stuff for IRC or general (with the exception of deadnail cuz he tells good stories :) )

Hey asshole, my drawings were all pictures of DooM3. Kid, your starting to piss me off, your a dumbass.

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deadnail said:

#1: Im not 5, im 14 goin on 15.

#2: My pictures are VERY detailed, not just traingles and squares. So fuck off, stop criticising everything I say.


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Oh buhuhuhuhu

I'm gonna go hang myself in the barn now!

Oh Buhuhhuhuhu!

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Uh, actually you may want to use a double-barreled shotgun for that because it's much less painful than hanging(or at least you don't experience pain for as long).

1) Load the gun

2) point the gun at your head

3) set your hand so that you pull both triggers at the same time.

4) pull the triggers and kiss your ass goodbye.

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Jeremy said:

Hey asshole, my drawings were all pictures of DooM3. Kid, your starting to piss me off, your a dumbass.

Hey slow down Jeremy. I have expected that you talk about Doom3-Pics...but if you would have spoken it out clearly also Kaoptate would have got it.

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Guest TossMonkey
Shaviro said:


Go to ICQ Sirgalahad!

Wow. Peoples personality's really show in these forums. Deadnail wasn't calling you Jeremy. He was calling 'modern art'. And personally I think he is goddamn right. Someone who can paint a 'yellow scene of rare beauty' on yellow paper ought to be shot. It's not about the picture in my opinion though as much as it is the effort that is involved. I prefer actual pictures which actually mean something and you can recognise and think wow that must have taken some workmanship. Like a whole ceiling which has been painted by a single man and is a picture that depicts heaven itself (michealangelo, he painted something similar in a cathedral somewhere, I cant think where atm). Anyway I am ranting on like a baffoon.

ps Jeremy. Most people dont want to hear other peoples problems, I'm not that bothered. deadnail I dont have a clue why you have a fan club but you do tell an interesting story.

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Wow, I guess your a dumbass too! Uh, when did I post my problems? Ehh? I posted that I was going to re-draw something, hmm, wutta problem. God, you and deadnail... {dumbasses}

PS: I dont draw yellow blobs. I draw sketches that are VERY recognisable.

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Gee, I can't mention anything that isn't directly related to you, can I?

I can't be hypothetical, or theoretical either, can I?

I have to be totally direct and completely literal too.

Can you possibly understand that I wasn't talking about you? Is that so hard to believe?

1. I know you're fourteen, Junior. The five year old comment was about what pisses me off about art today. Well I'm so Goddamn sorry if that whole post wasn't 100% about you.

2. I figured you're drawings would have some detail and I didn't insinuate that they were modern art.

3. I got a three for you. You're a fuckwit. Happy?

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Guest Hellspawn

I sense some hostility in this thread........

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Guest JudgeDooM

eh eh. your discussion made me laugh. come on. calm down you guys, we're here to talk about Doom 3 TRANQUILLY, not to scream on each other. Sorry about your drawings Jeremy. I did some drawings too, but on paper, but I don't have a scanner so I can't upload them. I wanted to show them in this forum...

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deadnail said:

Gee, I can't mention anything that isn't directly related to you, can I?

I can't be hypothetical, or theoretical either, can I?

I have to be totally direct and completely literal too.

Can you possibly understand that I wasn't talking about you? Is that so hard to believe?

1. I know you're fourteen, Junior. The five year old comment was about what pisses me off about art today. Well I'm so Goddamn sorry if that whole post wasn't 100% about you.

2. I figured you're drawings would have some detail and I didn't insinuate that they were modern art.

3. I got a three for you. You're a fuckwit. Happy?

He he he... I am finding this whole arguement simply helarious. I mean, cripes Jeremy, deadnail started out trying to back you up. I understand how it feels to lose important artwork, but don't take in out on everybody else. And, hell, once a post is started it's kind of meaningless to post replys somewhere else. They are all accesed from the original post anyway. And, besides, I find this kind of stuff entertaining, and I doubt I'm the only one.

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JudgeDooM said:

eh eh. your discussion made me laugh. come on. calm down you guys, we're here to talk about Doom 3 TRANQUILLY, not to scream on each other. Sorry about your drawings Jeremy. I did some drawings too, but on paper, but I don't have a scanner so I can't upload them. I wanted to show them in this forum...

Scan it somewhere and show it please! I´m always curious about the Doom-ideas from others :)

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