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Damnit ... .... ! ...


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Man, in school today, I got busted for checking these forums! Whoopdy doo, so there is the word "Damn" and "Piss" aroun' here. God my school is gay!!! Hehe.

Next time i'm allowed to use the school comps. Im going to download DooM and play it! Those assholes!

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Guest Space Tomato

That sucks but my school sucks more! At my school they dont alow you to even goto doomworld, but they suck anyway I use a disk full of links to explore explore.

Netnany sucks.

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At my school to get past the firewalls we use proxy sites. Oh, and our teachers rule because they let us go on anything practically... they don't really care.

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Guest LRM
Space Tomato said:

That sucks but my school sucks more! At my school they dont alow you to even goto doomworld, but they suck anyway I use a disk full of links to explore explore.

Netnany sucks.

Hah, at my school, if you get free time in the cpu lab, you can go anywhere that's not blocked off. I remember last year, kids would play vulgar games at www.newground.com or something like that. Don't be fooled, though, everything else about my school is sleezey.

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Guest TossMonkey

hehe I love college we can do anything we want!! Whether its playing stickdeath or listening to eminem on mp3!!!!!

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Sorry, you're too late, I've already done that. I've not only played DOOM at my school, but got it on a bunch of computers and played deathmatch over the school network. Also played Quake (someone else set that up, actually), Duke, and ROTT. Unfortunately, halfway through the school year, because too many people were playing games on the computers and not doing their homework and failing classes, all games were banned except for Age of Empires, which also rocks.

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Guest fraggle`

i remember during the doomserv flamewars toke got suspended for reading a forum thread

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