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Doom ]|[ Counter-operative

Guest Kederrwin

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Guest Kederrwin

I recently played Perfect Dark (N64) which was the only game that I have played that allowed Counter-operative two player, I was waiting forever for a game mode like that. If you have never played Perfect Dark Counter-operative mode it consists of the Hero as you would normally play, and the 2nd player controls all the enemies. This will most likely not be in Doom3 but I thought it would be a rather nice touch. Well I guess i will just keep wishing

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I agree. I think it would be very cool to include this in Doom 3. A lot of people might be opposed to it ( and because of the sheer number of control set-ups and models [unless, of course, the POV was a camera at the model's head level, and the weapon models were not separate from the character model ;) ] I doubt it will happen), I think it would be a very interresting way to play deathmatch. At least we can be fairly sure that, if not in the game, this will be a mod.

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...and how would you control hundreds of monsters??? with a C&C type interface... I think not.

maybe you switch between monsters and guide the more lethal ones in for the kill after alerting standard monsters.

When a monster in ear-shot is alerted the others should join in too

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